Gift Basket Business Statistics


If you are looking for home-based business opportunities that have good profit potential as well as allowing you to be a little creative then a gift basket startup could be just the thing for you.

Before getting started it is important to learn more about this industry. While there is not really a gift basket business magazine as such you can find numerous gift basket business statistics in some of the national ‘gift industry’ publications.

Remember though that the market opportunities vary drastically from state to state so you really need to get some local data to supplement the national statistics.

Gift Basket Business Statistics

1) The industry has had an amazing amount of growth over the last twenty years and is now worth around 3.3 billion dollars annually in the US.

2) Gift baskets make up part of the ‘gift industry’ which is worth over 200 billion dollars a year. They are ranked fourth as a category behind other popular gifts like clothing and vouchers.

3) The industry has long been dominated by woman and even though men are slowly getting more involved, women make up the majority of business owners in this industry. Women are also more likely than men to be customers.

4) The corporate sector of the market is well worth targeting as it represents approximately 40% of the total market.

5) The industry does the largest volume during holiday periods with Christmas, Valentines and Mother’s day being the three most popular holidays for gift baskets.

Remember though that the market opportunities vary drastically from state to state so you really need to get some local data to supplement the national statistics.


Sienna Taylor,

Source by Sienna Taylor


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