Google Sheets – UserForm Web App using HTML5 & Bootstrap 4


This video will start Google Sheets Userform Level 2 series. We’ll be building a Web App as a sidebar in our spreadsheet using HTML5, Bootstrap 4 & JavaScript.

This tutorial is Part 1 from Google Sheets Userform – Level 2 series

If you don’t already know front-end HTML/JavaScript, you should watch this playlist first.
HTML & CSS Crash Course for a JavaScript Developer series.

 #googlesheets #userform #webapp #tutorial

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29 responses to “Google Sheets – UserForm Web App using HTML5 & Bootstrap 4”

  1. Hi, first of all, thanks for sharing your knowledge, your channel is amazing. Quick question … i have a inventory spreadsheet with multiply tabs for each sku. Spreadsheets is linked to Google data studio for inventory forecasting. Is there a way to create a UserForm to update data for each tab ? Thanks

  2. Thanks for the great video truly. I have one question with metioned below code which means, I understand, block the blank in qty-received. but it still runs and updated with blank. am I getting it wrong?
    function afterSubmit(e){

    var qty = document.getElementById("qty-received");

    qty.value = "";

  3. Super excited for this playlist! I've been looking to add something like your issue boxes, where you can add/remove additional inputs, for a while so I can't wait to see how you do it.

  4. Wow looks awesome !
    Thanks for all this teaching !
    Could you pls tell me if is there a way to automatically add an ID to each line and then we could call a line by his ID and modify the existing data thru the html form ??

  5. You're amazing dude! I'm addicted to your videos. Thanks for this, truly!
    Another thing, can I submit Brazilian Portuguese subtitles to your videos? Your content is so relevant, but a lot of my friends over here in Brazil don't speak English.

  6. There is an enormous amount of educational content available on YouTube, and much of it is very good. But if you keep looking, every now and then you will come across a creator who stands above the rest in their ability to distill complex information and who is truly a gifted educator. This is one such channel. My friend, you are a gifted educator. Thank you for so much truly valuable and useful content.

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