How to Apply Bootstrap CSS to a Django Form (Django Tutorial) | Part 50


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5 responses to “How to Apply Bootstrap CSS to a Django Form (Django Tutorial) | Part 50”

  1. There is an easier way I think.. instead of templating the form into html via {{ form.as_p }} or any other way .. you'd do this ..

    {% for el in forms %}

    <label class="Whateverclass">{{ el.label_tag }}</label>

    <div class="whateverdiv">

    {{ el }}


    el.label_tag is the label of the forms like.. "post".. and just el is the actual input etc.

    {% endfor %}

  2. There is even easier way to add class to django widgets: if you are using virtualenv just add class="form-control" to your django files:
    Then each form field rendered with TextInput() widget will have class="form-control" ๐Ÿ™‚ And you don't have to add attr everytime you are creating a form field ๐Ÿ™‚

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