How to create a Bootstrap 4 Dashboard with CRUD operations in PHP


PHP CRUD Tutorial –
How to make a Bootstrap 4 #CRUD Admin Dashboard for your #PHP #MySQL Website

Overview – 0:00
Download PHP CRUD Generator – 1:52
Install PHP CRUD Generator on your PHP server – 2:17
Open the PHP CRUD Generator in your browser and create your first Admin Dashboard READ List – 3:47
Create the Admin Dashboard Forms – 6:21
Recap – 9:16
Generate the other Lists and Forms of the PHP CRUD Admin Dashboard – 9:42

PHP CRUD Generator (PHPCG) is a pure PHP application and allows you to build your Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard using an online user interface.

The system analyzes the database structure in a smart way and detects tables, field types and properties and all types of relationships.

The interface includes 3 tabs: Build READ list, Build CREATE/UPDATE forms, Build DELETE forms.

In each tab, the user only has to choose his options and preferences and then validate to create his administration panel.

Among other core features:
– Built entirely with Bootstrap 4 + jQuery
– Authentication module for the admin panel
– Intelligent field validation
– User and profile management with advanced management of individual rights
– Integrated and configurable jQuery plugins: File uploader, Date & Time pickers, TinyMce, …
– Visual organization of the navigation bar

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#crud #php #mysql #bootstrap #admin

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