How To Create Animated Blood Cells With Autodesk Maya

Software Requirements: Maya, After Effects.
Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate.
Time Required: About 1 hour for set-up.

In this tutorial, we will complete the following tasks:

1. Model a polygonal vein and a NURBS blood cell.
2. Use deformers and soft body dynamics to quickly manipulate the geometry to create more interesting surfaces.
3. Create shaders with a stylized x-ray effect using a simple 2D ramp and sampler info node.
4. Add fine detail with a 3D procedural bump map.
5. Create a particle (instancer) system to animate the blood cells along a curve.
6. Randomize start rotation values of each blood cell with a creation expression.
7. Render the sequence out of Maya and then color correct the final output using Adobe After Effects.

Download a Quick Start guide to rendering with Maya and Mental Ray:


16 responses to “How To Create Animated Blood Cells With Autodesk Maya”

  1. Hi Sir Michael Swartz, it was a great tutorial. but i have some problem regarding in rendering, how do i render the animation in windows 10, I spent a lot of time to find the solution but it can't works. I followed some in the Internet, I can't see in the bin the maya terminal to render it, by the way I'm using win 10 OS. Thank you very much!

  2. Hi Michael, A great tutorial thank you very much…
    Just one thing, when I'm adding the rotPP to the rotation options. suddenly it spreads all the blood cells all around the scene and they are no longer following the curve's spread circles .. they are just spread all around.. Ill be glad for a fix :] thnx

  3. Another question : when I'm deleting the particles, after applying the turbulence field, my cylinder becomes " flat " again. So I have to ask : what exactly are you doing when you are delleting those particles?

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