How to Draw a Straight Line in Photoshop CS6 : Photoshop Basics

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Drawing a straight line in Photoshop CS6 will require you to begin with a new blank canvas. Draw a straight line in Photoshop CS6 with help from an experienced computer professional in this free video clip.

Expert: Zach Poulin
Filmmaker: Patrick Russell

Series Description: Adobe Photoshop lets you take complete control over photos that you’ve already taken and even images that you create on your computer from scratch. Get tips on using Adobe Photoshop to the best of its ability with help from an experienced computer professional in this free video series.

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25 responses to “How to Draw a Straight Line in Photoshop CS6 : Photoshop Basics”

  1. To all people that said this is so fucking easy and that only idiots dont know this are right and wrong. It is easy to draw a line but it is not easy to remember all the photoshop tools in 5 mins, photoshop has so many tools that people sometimes get a little bit lost!

  2. For anyone else, select this tool, draw the line, then make sure the fill and stroke sections at the top left are filled out to be the color you want. Otherwise i think the default might be white and when you click away you see the stroke color (aka white, which makes it seem like it disappears)

  3. Need to talk about loading presets. CS6 has an arrow when you select the line tool. (and no it's not the custom shape tool…but it is…) I had to reset all of my presets and load the defaults for all tools to FINALLY get a stupid line.

  4. Isn't it funny that 135K people are trying to figure out how to draw a straight line in the world's most advanced photo editing program? A very simple task yet impossible to achieve without help 🙂

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