How to install Mysql, PHP 5 and Apache 2.2 Web server

Learn how to setup mysql, php and apache web server on any microsoft OS.

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25 responses to “How to install Mysql, PHP 5 and Apache 2.2 Web server”

  1. Leroy I took in your 43 minute video LATE LAST NITE. Now you said thast it doesn't matter what order we download mysql, php, and apache in but it DOES matter what order they are installed. I think u said first mysql, then apache, then php right? and when I havfe tried to download php 5.5.5 into my C: folder there really is not sign of it. and both of the php.ini-development and php.ini-production files must be read-only because it does not allow me to save either one after doing the editing!!

  2. I believe that there is no such a thing as "run as administrator" for txt files. However, you can right-click the folder that contains the file you are trying to modify in this case htdocs then >> click properties >> click security tab >> click edit >> then choose the user you want to give access to >> then check the Full control box

    Good luck

  3. Thanks a lot!

    However I had few unsuccesful approaches. As for today (09.05.2013) there is no .msi installer for windows but 2.0.64 on apache offical site. So you have to seach on google any 2.2.x version. 2.0.64 dont work (at least it didnt work for me)

  4. My problem was php5apache2_2.dll is not in the directory. So, here is my solution:

    If you go into php download page, you will find two kinds of files. One is Non Thread Safe and another is Thread Safe. What makes different between these two is php5apache2_2.dll file. This file (php5apache2_2.dll) is only available in Thread Safe installer. So, make sure you download the Thread Safe one.

    Thank you for the tutorial. It is help me A LOT.

  5. Hi, I`m trying to set up a web server but these steps don`t seem to have worked. When I install apache and try to configure htdocs, a message saying "you might not be logged in as administrator…." the thing is I am.

  6. Hello Jack,
    Thank you for the input. You said the software tutorial is dated. Could you five me some links to the new versions i could do a new tutorial with and i will.
    Thanks again,

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