How to Model a Face – Low Poly Beginner 3D Modeling Tutorial

This is how you can model Arnold’s face. Visualize the form, get correct edge flow and forget about proportions at the beginning. For more 3D modeling tutorials, see my other videos. Do subscribe so I can keep you updated. Thanks, -Wei


47 responses to “How to Model a Face – Low Poly Beginner 3D Modeling Tutorial”

  1. I know this video is years old but to everyone complaining about it not being a beginner tutorial, let me explain: This video is NOT for someone who's never used a modeller before, it's for those who have a basic (As in they have just started to work with 3d modellers) tutorial. It's not showing you every single step of the process because that simply wouldn't fit into a 5 minute video, it's showing beginners the general process of creating a face so they have a better understanding when they attempt it.

  2. the term "beginner" implies that this is a tutorial for someone who is not very skilled or new to 3d. by flying threw this in 5 minutes, you are not helping anyone that is a beginner as you are not taking the time to explain what it is you are doing. Thus, this video is not for beginners.

  3. It look like you do not know the meaning of tutorial. low poly beginner how to model a face tutorial? what have I learned? absolutely NOTHING from this video. All I see is how you are being an arrogant.

  4. I like your tutorials but why do you speed them up, your talented and helpful but if there meant for beginners how are we meant to follow it, could you do a tutorial at normal speed please, much appreciated

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