You will learn the basics of working with Layers in this Photoshop tutorial at a beginners pace. Colin Smith shows you the basics of the layers panel. Learn how layers work and how to add layers, change the stacking order, how to show and hide layers, how to adjust opacity and merge layers.
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#Photoshop #beginner #layers #how to
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29 responses to “How to use Photoshop layers for beginners,”
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I've been trying to learn photoshop without the basics- impossible! These videos are amazing!!!!!
The existing comments here pretty much sum up my thoughts about what you are doing with your "beginner" videos. I have had an uneasy relationship with PS for a long time and have ended up back in LR for my work. But now I am trying to learn to do good real estate interiors. This has brought me back to PS. You explained it in a way that I finally understand. Very helpful. Making progress. Many thanks. Your approach works for me.
I have been watching your tutorials learning and enjoying them very much. You are a great professional tutor unlike some that care more about their external appearance shaving strange beards, wearing kitschy bracelets maky funny faces etc' rather than focus on a clear and smooth go. Your way is the way to go thanks again and you got me as your fan looking forward to your upcoming lessons.
Very helpful. PS is a struggle to figure out. Yes, there are tutorials out there. But most are way too long and either expect you to know Ps to begin with, or too dumbed down (rather condescending) to keep learners focused. You have hit a good mid point. Appreciate your effort Tx
I am a "basic" user of Photoshop and this video highlighted things I did not know about layer. You continue learn! Excellent video, will check up on the following videos to catch up.
Excellent! Just what I needed to get started in Photoshop. Hope there is more to follow.
Thank you
Very helpful
fantastic! Beginner videos are exactly what I need. *subscribed*
Thanks Colin, excellent displaying the 3D layers that i can imagine how the layers show or hide underneath . Best explanation and step by step that you can read the mind of the beginners .
Your tutorials are excellent. You go at a pace where beginners can keep up with the process. I’ve watched so many other tutorials and they speed through them which left me lost. I really appreciate your teaching style! Thank you
Great tutorial for me as a beginner. I liked the inclusion of shortcuts and various ways of manipulating layers. Thank you.
Thanks for explaining LAYERS in simple language and on understanding pace.
I just read the comments of the first few people here and they all had a working knowledge of this program. But what about the real beginners who make mistakes and want to know how to correct them. If going tell the right way cover all the wrong way so people won't get stuck and get frustrated. I want to see everything from the beginning, not from a file that is already finished and you are giving the highlights.
I am really glad to find your tutorials. I am trying to find something to purchase and I am really, really a beginner. My first reason for looking is, I have two grandchildren I want to use photos to put on canvas. I do not know how to change the background and so I am thinking Photoshop would work for me. For one, when I crop the picture, it looks like a long picture, rather than it being an 8×10 or larger. If I could delete the background, or add another background, I could send it to be printed on canvas. Thank you so much for your help. Do you feel Photoshop is the best way for me to go?
Thank you so much! This is very informative and so easy to understand.
Thanks for posting "Beginner videos.Starting to try and get to grips with Photoshop, from a complete no nothing perspective. Only comment I would make is you are very clearly showing layer systems and how they work. What I would have liked fror a complete novice is how did the layers and the ones you want get there in the first place. Love your teaching style and pace.
Amazing content, great pace easy to understand and learned lots.
I've been taking an online Photoshop course, this video was far clearer than any of the lessons I've paid for. Great clarity, pacing and information. Thanks so much, I greatly appreciate it.
I think this was very well explained, but I didnt see how you got bits and pieces of photos to use as layers. Eg: how did you cut out Winger and the hive? I just normally have a complete photo and one covers the other. Thank you
Very nicely presented and was able to follow it. Keep it at this pace please.Thank you
The pace was great – appreciate your providing these tutorials
Very helpful. Thanks.
Amazing !!
Greetings. How much (if you don’t mind my asking) of this series would apply to the other softwares that do / try to do what Photoshop does. With apologies for the philistinism, Photoshop makes no sense for me budget wise, for many reasons, but I’d like to learn the fundamentals. Preferably on an iPad. On an old app that doesn’t hog too many resources. Any help would be welcome. Great video by the way, it’s very rarely that I subscribe to a channel within a few minutes.
Mr. Smith, yours is the best Photoshop tutorial for beginners I've seen so far. You go at just the right speed, speak clearly, and explain as well as show all the commands that you are executing. You also obviously have a great command of your subject. I'm definitely going to watch the rest of this series. Thank you!
Great stuff!
Really helpful as a “beginner”