HTML5 + Javascript Date Time Form Input Types Tutorial Date and Time Fields

Tutorial Script:
Learn to program HTML5 Date and Time Form input attributes and tie the fields to Javascript for Ajax PHP processing. Use Opera for testing until the other browser vendors fix their stuff up. 2014 is the release date for HTML5 as a web standard, until then do not count on it. But come 2014 it will work everywhere applicable.

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20 responses to “HTML5 + Javascript Date Time Form Input Types Tutorial Date and Time Fields”

  1. Amazed W3C specification doesn't include any formatting option. it is sent as plain text to the server using whatever local date time format the used on client site, so chances are that you get month and day switched, or just breaking your server side code. a completely useless feature

  2. +Adam Khoury : sir, i would like to ask for help about date picker..

    1. How to disable weekends on picking on it(Saturday and Sunday for example)?
    2. Please teach me a few codes for having a validation code for datepicker.(What if some other people mess around and instead of picking dates, they type ///1123/4/2/444/   === It's not normal to put it on the database).

    I'm working for my thesis and we're making Clinic Management System (More or less, i need to know how to work on datepicker during making appointments… I already know how to add,edit,delete, and view.. thanks to your on your other tutorials..)   Pretty much i only know the basics, and dont know how to use ajax.

    Please help me sir, and to those who know, while reading this message.. 

    can email the codes or just post it on this page.


    Hoping for a quick response reply.. I'll be in touch. thank you for making this video and to all..   Thank you.

  3. Hi – nice tut… do you have any more tuts teaching "Javascript for total dumbass designers" with little or rather no developer coding experience? There are a lot of people out there who are very clever with Javascript… but are useless at explaining what they are doing… you don't, you explain really well.

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