Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/JavaScript/Transform-Rotate-Image-Spin-Smooth-Animation-Tutorial
Learn to program any CSS property animations you want using JavaScript and the CSS3 transform property, and just a few lines of code. JavaScript offers your animations more flexibility regarding user interactivity with your animations. CSS3 alone cannot offer you all of the DOM event handlers that are useful for programming advanced interactivity with the animated elements.
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36 responses to “JavaScript animation tutorial HTML CSS transform rotate image spin smooth logo”
Thanks! It worked!
how do i do it with multiple cogs
dem stupid browsers lol
can you add a button that can start or stop in that system??
Can you add an random duration for the spinner? I mean for example that it rotates for 3,4 or 5 seconds.
Can somebody explain this
setTimeout('rotateAnimation(''+element+'','+speed+')', speed);
I copied everything you did and it doesn't work. :/
Hi, how can I stop the spinning after 359 degree completed?
is it possible to make the rotation with two fingers touch?
Hey Adam. I've been trying to find a video tutorial about how to animate any type of image,like a png or even a gif image, with javaScript. The type of animation I am looking for is animating an image across a background image from left to right. This animation would start when page onLoad, and the png img will start moving from left to right-
—->right from the beginning of the background img to the end of it. And also, could that image be a gif animated image? I don't know if I've explained this in a way easy to understand, but if you could help me with this, I am subscribed to your channel and I am sure you can see my email address. Please, email me so that I can explain better what I am trying to accomplish. Thank youreally good video
Hey since it's been about 2 years since this vid has posted, are all of the else if statements still needed? Where can I ascertain the answer to this and similar questions so I don't have to ignorantly (dumbly) ask again? Bless.
The syntax of the setTimeout function would be better understood if it was written like this :
looper = setTimeout("rotateAnimation(' " + el + " ' , " + speed + ")" , speed);
" and ' are the same in javascript. You don't use the so it's easier
Hope it helps
What do you put in CSS?
What are we passing into the rotateAnimation function?
"rotate("+degrees+"deg)"; Why are there " + "s? What is this called?
Same with:
The brackets seem so arbitrary.
can you tell me why this code has to be INLINE JAVASCRIPT and you can't write the function in a separate JS doc and call the function in the separate JS doc as well.
6:41 lol
pretty cool
Didn't work, here is my code for what you did, tell me if you see any major mistakes: <!DOCTYPE html>
var looper;
var degrees = 0;
function rotateAnimation(el,speed){
var computer = document.getElementById(el);
computer.style.WebkitTransform = "rotate("+degrees+"deg")";
} else if(navigator.userAgent.match("Firefox")){
computer.style.MozTransform = "rotate("+degrees+"deg")";
}else if(navigator.userAgent.match("MSIE")){
computer.style.msTransform = "rotate("+degrees+"deg")";
}else if(navigator.userAgent.match("Opera")){
computer.style.OTransform = "rotate("+degrees+"deg")";
computer.style.MozTransform = "rotate("+degrees+"deg")";
looper = setTimeout('rotateAniamtion(''+el+'','+speed+')',speed);
if(degrees > 359) {
degrees = 1;
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "rotate(+degrees+"deg")";
<img id="img1" src="computer.jpg" alt="computer">
<h2 style="width:150px;" id="status"></h2>
can u make tutorial how do make a 360 deg 3d image like product viewer. thanks
Could you possibly leave a description of how we could pass in a variable with the setTimeout? I'm trying to get it to work with multiple elements and I can't figure out how to persist the degrees counter.
Thank you very much, you're a great teacher!
can you be able to control it with click of a mouse instead of constant rotation?
What is going on!! I followed the code exactly and my orb spins around the whole page and not in situ like your cog? Why!!
Hmm.. I got this working in Chrome, but Safari not working. Any helps?
I'm guessing that he's using dreamweaver
What program are you editing in? I'm using notepad ++ at the moment, is there anything better? Thanks and great video!
You explained this very well,I just did it with the google logo
thank you… I will have to use this sometime
just simply awesome man!
Keep up the good videos man!
Considering the fact that it takes like a millisecond or so delay to reset the animation when it reaches the uppermost value, isn't it better to skip the last value (360 for the clockwise rotation and -360 anticlockwise to 159 and -159 degrees respectively to smoothen the rotation?
Just got schooled
Wow great material, thanks a lot.
Thanks Adam!