JavaScript Class OOP Tutorial Intro to Object Oriented Programming

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Introduction to creating class based code in JavaScript, also known as OOP(Object Oriented Programming). Because it is a class-less prototype-based language special syntax is applied to your JavaScript in order to achieve OOP features that we see in languages such as C++, C#, PHP, Java, Perl, Python and more. JavaScript has no class statement for establishing your classes like other popular languages do, but this does not mean that we cannot create class based code in JavaScript.

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21 responses to “JavaScript Class OOP Tutorial Intro to Object Oriented Programming”

  1. I am about to attend an interview where I need to discuss OOP in Javascript I am a fan already of your excellent no nonsense approach to explaining this concept. Thanks and keep in rolling. I will look out for much more from you going forward. Keep up the great work

  2. you could just put the var d in the animate function for the same effect. I don't think the example is very good. As a java dev primarilly I know the usefulness of the pattern is encapsulation which makes the code clearer

  3. This is one of the most beautiful , strange at the same time weirdest use of flexibility of javascript I have seen .I could have never imagined that a function can be used as a class .

  4. Thank you for this video it was very helpful. Your example of when and where to use OOP is very precise and useful information. One question. Is there an instance when you cannot achieve a certain result using OOP and having to use the original way of programming JS? So the other way around to the example you used?

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