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Call, Apply & Bind are avoided by many JS developers, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Context is a simple concept that creates complicated realities for developers. In this javascript tutorial, we’re going to cover context in javascript, how it’s determined, and how/why it changes.
When you understand context, you’ll feel much more at home with Javascript as a language, and callbacks, especially will feel much more familiar to you.
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20 responses to “Javascript Context Tutorial – What makes Javascript Weird…and Awesome Pt5”
you are Awesome
Wow, great series. I've lots of explanations of these topics before, but this is certainly one of the better ones. Thanks!
Thanks very much, great to know the difference between scope and context. Watched many videos but this is the first time I've grasped it.
great video. I know most of this stuff but for some reason the obj literal having its own context confuses me a bit. Aren't functions the only things that can create scope? Why does calling display Object {foo: function} instead of window at 2:30 mark?
Understood everything on the first viewing. This is what they mean when they say the teacher can make all the difference. Appreciate the real examples too.
Gotta update this. No need for bind since we got arrow functions now.
First time I am able to understand bind! Thank you! Definitely need to rewatch this. Also at 1:22 I think you meant to say "the context is window" instead of "the context is this".
4.40 – 5.25 on 2x speed is hilarious. foo func var bound foo foo foo foo myboundfoo my bound true obj foo
You are amazing!!! thanks a lot. Have a nice day!
This playlist could be the best i've ever watched about JS, very useful stuff
You're an amazing teacher! This is the best tutorial on context I've watched.
Appreciate what you're putting out there! Thank you for sharing this with your perspective.
Hey! Your battery survived!
Now I got this amazing concept.
Thank you very much.
I just loved this series and Modular Javascript series !
and I have seen it now
I don't know why i seen this video 1 year or 2 year before. This video series was published on 2014
As a beginner Javascript dev, I've always been confused with "this" and context. You're video is succint yet brilliantly clear. This cleared this up ?. Thanks!
Flawless!! Thanks mate
Thank you thank you thank you! Great video!