JavaScript ES2020 awesome new features.

ECMA 2020 version features BigInt , Promise.allSettled() , globalThis , Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) , Optional Chaining Operator (?.)

#javaScript #ES2020 #globalThis

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42 responses to “JavaScript ES2020 awesome new features.”

  1. Would be great to make some updated and COMPLETE and opinioted development setups for 1) Component library development and 2) For application development WITHOUT frameworks.
    Like… VS Code settings.json, node, yarn, lerna, typescript, eslint, prettier, husky, lint-staged, mby hygen, git, npm. While there are a ton of material on how to use those tools in separation, firstly 99,9% of those tutorials are real crap and far from real-world development. Secondly, often there are tweaks and tricks to compose different tools to play together nicely. Think of .gitignore and lintstagedrc. Or tsconfig 'extends' property for better monorepo code organization for different builds. Or… i often see tslint and eslint in same repository which is somewhat outdated thing to do. Typescript component library monorepo setup. How to do that? Rarely who knows that. How to configure eslint with prettier? Rarely who exposes good practices. "You can do this or you can do that" is bad way to teach something. You need to teach about caveats, tricks, USECASES when to prefer one setting over another.
    It would be much better to have OPINIONATED, but complete setups than non-opinionated, but incomplete setups.
    And… in my experience there are those 2 kind of setups mostly used. One for NPM library development and another for application development where you import your own NPM modules.

  2. Great work TechSith. You're one of the best technical teachers on YouTube and trust me, I've watched too many videos on JS. Keep up your good videos. I like that you give examples to put this into context.

  3. Mate, as for the " ?. " operator
    Doesn't it already exist in Typescript? I remember having needed to use it quite a few times back when i played with Angular in the past
    I dunno why i always believed that it also existed in Javascript ;D

  4. Thanks! I love this channel. When I started learning JS I was also learning TS so I used the "?" operator in TypeScript, but I thought it was JS, it was disappointing for me to realize that it was available only on TS. Thanks Hemil!

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