After a year of coding ES6 full-time, my favorite uses, the best parts, and what you need to know about them.
Javascript ES6 comes with a TON of extremely useful new features – all of which you can use TODAY on bot browser and server side code using transpilers like babel or traceur. I highly recommend babel es6 transpilation as it just works well, and I can still easily read the transpiled code.
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46 responses to “Javascript ES6 Cheatsheet – the best of JS ES6”
Great video. I would mention that it's called ES2015…
there is no ES6 it's all a conspiracy ;-D
you have used both angular and react. I have been failing to build a website for over an year because, I was implementing everything myself, like authentication functionalities, calls to server, full back-end and I was able to handle everything quite well. But when the time came when same view/template/html code needed to be added at different places in html and html files. I couldn't handle updating the code everywhere each time I have to make an update to a view. Also, I wasn't able to think how to insert single view at multiple places, like a framework. So, now I want to switch an established framework. What would you suggest to me react or angular or something else entirely? Thanks
"Who uses 'alert()' anymore?"
what if you try to make sense of someone else s code, i dont think this will add to readability
I appreciate all the efforts you put to share the knowledge of programming. But I would like to say my opinion to the tutors that – in introduction of any course please give an idea about what would have happened if there were no such subject, tool or programming languages you are teaching about. This helps all the learners to catch the concepts easily, especially for beginners. If you go on talking about installation or so many stuffs which we have not heard of, the topic will seem complex. So being a developer you know all the application, so share the cons of before the concept existed and what impacts this concept made in the programming world. This is just a request. Thank you.
Does destructuring play well with template strings?
frankly javascript is getting more like java.
ES6 – The quickest way to get murdered by your co-workers.
the 'eu' part of traceur would be pronounced with the same vowel as in "turn" (ö) so.. tras-ör with a french r ofc.
Thousands of videos and channels on ytube….but when I need to get a clear idea on some concept, I am always here
Thanks being such awesome teacher will
Did this guy just call a variable "vare"? LOL
Thank you for sharing your knowledge freely and openly. May you be continued to be blessed with this great ability to adopt and share the latest technologies.
I love the video, but I don't think you change change the order of the variables when you're destructuring parameters unless they have all different types.
would be nicer to run the code
First – thank you for sharing your knowledge, people like you are the cornerstones of community.
Template literals and and default parameters are really great. Some of the ES6 features on the other hand decrease code readability , create confusion and should never be used.
Should I am learning javascript right now…should learn ES6 and not bother about JS ?
very fast. i am a beginner and cant understand some things
Loving the ES6 graphic at the start
i hate to say it but "What the hell are you talking about"?? i have no idea what your talking about please enlighten me please!!!
Thanks, very interesting
Should we use "Let" now instead of "var" ? and Const ?
Great and funny explanation. Hope You will do more of that
nice explanation , guess u also must Let more
as it targets to ES6
What theme, fonts do you use?
0:10 you find the hidden samsung ad?
how can i get this good?
what sublime plugins do you use?
Lol. Who uses Alert anymore
How do u make the "ES6" text block in the first screen ?
What about the rest and spread operator?
Man! your videos are amazing!!! Thanks a lot!!
First of all, thank you for these tutorials! Your videos taught me the foundations of react. Now I'm sharing these videos with my friends to get them on board and up to speed on what I'm working on. I've created timestamps for topics in this video for them to easily navigate to each one. It would be great to have these added to the video description!
00:40s – Transpiling with Babel.js
01:29s – Introduction to Destructuring
02:43s – Destructuring Arrays
03:40s – Destructuring in Promises: Promise.all()
04:14s – Introduction to Destructuring Arguments
05:04s – Destructuring Objects
06:14s – Generate your own keys
07:17s – Destructuring Arguments
09:38s – Default Arguments
10:18s – Template Strings
Will, please create a video on "How to be Will Stern Cheatsheet".
when es6 will be fully supported by all browsers?
you are a god
I dont understand the first part where you are doing var { bar } = foo; what does that actually retrieve? Is it just the same as doing var bar =
better looks in developer console, Thanks!
Dude, dude… "In grammar, tense is a category that expresses time reference. Tenses are usually manifested by the use of specific forms of verbs, particularly in their conjugation patterns."
What you're looking for is "persons". It's easy to remember: you say "first person", not "first tense", don't you?
Please don't help perpetuate the myth (or is it?) that tech-savy people don't know how to use language properly.
The `function calcBmi({ weight: w, height: h, max = 25, callback })` part really freaked me out at first, LOL
Thanks for the great vid!
can you actually default and alias a single parameter?
like height = 5 :h or something
Great video. +1 for divvy, best program ever
Thanks a lot Will! Great vid
I wonder how features like var job={foo,bar} as a shorthand for {foo:foo,bar:bar} would work with script minifiers in the future
Ain't nobody bothered about the semicolons? xD no offense.
The ${name} is very Ruby like too.