JavaScript Fundamentals For Beginners

This is a mini-course on the fundamentals of not only JavaScript, but programming in general. We will cover the following…

What is JavaScript?
Variables & Data Types
Conditionals – If Statements, switches
Forms & Validation


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48 responses to “JavaScript Fundamentals For Beginners”

  1. I'm literally watching all single video at your channel right know , because of a lot of reasons which most of those who watching you knew it , I appreciate what and how you do for free 🙂

  2. Thanks, Brad. Love the care you take with formatting and correctly formed names, and the way you set up structures like ('') before you give them values. Exactly what I do. My students love your videos too.

  3. I doubt you are still responding to any of these posts but if you are and have a moment I have a question. I actually have MANY questions as I am still trying to figure all of this out but I have one ( or 2 ) questions I would like to now.

    I am trying to build a DATABASE web site ( FOR PROFIT ).

    Without boring you with too many details to get to the point I will jump right into my question(s).

    Basically what I want to be able to do is Have a WEBSITE and have a DATABASE

    Access to the website is FREE
    Anyone can conduct a basic SEARCH in the database for FREE
    Anyone can UPLOAD certain data for FREE ; however,
    *CERTAIN UPLOADED DATA * will be charged a FEE ($) —

    So, basically I will figure out how to build my forms and build my database —
    when a CUSTOMER wants to UPLOAD certain data they will enter the information into my set forms and before they can SUBMIT the information they need to PAY to allow the information to be uploaded.

    QUESTION — can the above process of payment before submission work ?

    QUESTION — does that processing use HTML5 &JAVASCRIPT or is it best to be performed in another language ?

    Thank you for your time.


  4. This is the most easy to follow Tutorial on JavaScript on the web, easy to follow, brilliant…… I would recommend this to anyone just wanting a recap of JavaScript… Keep up the good work…Can not believe you do this for free….You my man are a Rockstar

  5. Very good vide. I picked up quite a bit. My big take away was returning false on the function when validating the form. I didn't know it would halt the form submission. That's going to be used tomorrow. Thanks again.

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