Javascript Objects Basics – In this video I introduce some basic object oriented concepts as it applies to Javascript. We look at the basic idea of object oriented programming by taking a look at the Javascript hierarchy,
I should point out that strictly speaking, Javascript is a prototypical language.

Stefan Mischook

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27 responses to “Javascript Objects Basics”

  1. JavaScript and C++ most difficult language probably. Only language knowledge is not enough to do something also you have to know libraries like jquery.I am working in IT business on 5 years and still and I am not capable of many thing.You can't cheat people in this business it is very easy to understand expert or rookie.I thing before they sent you be honest.Maybe they can help you to learn javascript.Good Luck.

  2. I just got a job working with an IT tech company. I have absoltuley no computer experience at all. I barely know how to turn a computer on and maybe check my email. I have no experience whatsoever.
    I got assigned with a task to write a program using javascript with integrated objects that assign different integers into variables which causes a function that controls a main database. My company wants me to set up a program. I lied on my application and told them I'm an expert in JS. What do I do?

  3. Actually, I subsequently learnt that they're ALL brackets. However, parentheses are always round and braces are always curly. So, it's unnecessary to call parentheses "round brackets" and braces "curly braces". (Of course, "curly brackets" is fine because that's what they are but why call them that when "braces" would suffice?). However, the square ones should be called "square brackets" (instead of just "brackets") to distinguish them from the others.

    Talk about confusing! lol


  4. Of course, besides functions (actually called "methods" in this context) objects also have properties. Methods and properties can be thought of as verbs and nouns respectively. So, extending the McDonalds analogy, the cook might be dressed in a white uniform and have on a chef hat.

    This a great video because it solidifies OOP basics in our minds. Once you have a clear understanding of the basics (in any subject) everything else becomes that much easier.

    Thanks Stef!

  5. I think what he is trying to say is if your sexual orientation is object orientated it means you have sex with objects. But then he says that McDonalds workers are objects. So I deduce that an object orientated sexual orientation must mean a person whom has a sexual preference for Mcdonalds employees. Javascript is complicated.

  6. @xadart I invite you to post your questions on our Killersites Forum, where you'll find a host of administrators and web designers/programmers who will be happy to answer all your questions and work out any problem with you. It would be great to have you join our community!

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