JavaScript Promise in 100 Seconds

Learn JavaScript Promises in 100 seconds, then follow my new IG account for even more content

Reference MDN

#javascript #100SecondsOfCode

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– Atom One Dark
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– Fira Code Font

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50 responses to “JavaScript Promise in 100 Seconds”

  1. Thanks for this. Could you please release these without visual noise (white dots) and audio noise (music)? The noise seems counter to your general brand of succinct content with no filler. Sorry to be asking this again…

  2. Beautiful vid. Thanks. Funny how many hours ive spent reading mdn and google devs articles about promise yet didnt realise this simple distinction of create and consume promises

  3. Your videos are so packed full of technical information and you don't waste type getting to it. I so appreciate the organization and efficiency you have in producing these. Keep it up!!!

  4. Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
    Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
    Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself
    Promises, and they still feel oh so wasted on myself

    Finally this song makes sense

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