JavaScript Tutorial

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00:22 Introduction
03:27 Variables
04:27 Math
12:00 Random Numbers
13:21 Strings
17:24 Styling Strings
18:14 If
21:44 Switch
23:04 Ternary Operator
23:55 While
24:51 Do While
25:52 For
27:37 For In
28:39 Arrays
34:42 Functions
36:41 Pass Function as Parameter
39:42 Receive Variable Number of Arguments
40:55 Return Variable Number of Arguments
42:02 Recursive Functions
43:54 Event Handling
46:24 Mouse Events
51:30 Key Events
54:02 Change Tag Value
56:41 Change Class
58:02 Change Input Element
59:20 Mouse X / Y Coordinates
1:01:42 Get Elements by Tag Name
1:03:00 Element Styling
1:05:48 Manipulating URLs
1:09:37 Editing Child Nodes
1:15:08 Setting Attributes
1:18:11 Adding Elements
1:19:50 OO JavaScript
1:28:33 Form Validation
1:34:54 Exception Handling

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36 responses to “JavaScript Tutorial”

  1. Hi Derek, I wanna thank you for this kind of content. As a computer science student, most of the time I dont have patience to see 30 min lectures just about basic of a language (loops, variables, functions, syntax). I really want just to see rapidly the main stuff and develop rest of it by myself. Your videos are perfects to me, thank you.

  2. I'd really appreciate if anyone could explain this? In the first example of if else, I copied the exact same thing and even if I did not enter a name, it displays 'Hello' i.e if statement rather than the else statement. Why is this happening?

  3. Excellent Video as always Derek. I've finished your HTML, CSS, and now JavaScript videos. Any recommendations on other videos that would help me solidify my learning in these 3 subjects? Thank you sir

  4. Hey can someone help me out with my website please? I have this music player that I purchased. It has a feature where you press a button and it turns into a smaller player, perfect for mobile devices. Is there a way that I can code the player so that when a person is using a phone, it automatically initialises the smaller player for them? If it's too difficult to explain in the comments, just let me know and maybe i'll just hit you up with an email! I'd be willing to pay if it's complex. Thanks!

  5. Great video. If you want to expand your knowledge on JavaScript or any other language by solving real world problems and problems that are presented in High Schools and Universities, you can checkout my channel for more!

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