Javascript Tutorial | Constructor Functions | Ep23

We’ve already learn’t that objects are important as well as functions. However what about creating an object via a constructor function? This is extremely common place in Javascript as ES5 (or Javascript version 5) doesn’t have any class syntax. However the next iteration of Javascript will include the class syntax, but however for now lets review how to make a constructor function.

Also something worth noting we won’t be directly working with the console in this lecture. Instead we’ll be writing our command’s in a Javascript file. We also want to review how to correctly attach a Javascript file to a HTML file and finally how to output information to the console window from our Javascript file. Working with the console will be very useful to you and allow you to look under the hood of how your script’s work.

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12 responses to “Javascript Tutorial | Constructor Functions | Ep23”

  1. im confuse
    when we create object using new keyword object creates ….
    so why object return
    let a = New Apple() // object is already here …
    what function returning

  2. Explained really well! Nice video! After trying your code i consoled window object!
    It's showing like this
    Apple:function Apple(x,y,color,score)

    But inside Apple i have prototype object also In that object it has the same Apple function as a constructor! May i know why?? Can you explain it little bit more?? Or give some resource to understand it please!!

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