This Javascript Tutorial is a Free Javascript Web Development Course designed for beginners. If you’re wanting to know how to Javascript, in this course, you’ll get JS tutorials that cover the basics and programming basics from the very beginning.
We’ll cover Javascript variables, if else statements, functions, arrays, event bindings, and more. If you’re learning web development and are ready to learn Javascript for beginners, this is the free tutorial for you.
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42 responses to “Javascript Tutorial For Beginners – Free JS Course – Web Development Tutorial”
var name = prompt("What is your first name?"); var lastName = prompt("What is your last name?"); var age = prompt("How old are you?"); alert("Hello, "+name+" "+lastName+"!" + " You are " +age+ " years old!")
I did some homework!
It tells you your first name, last name and your age. (Of course you could say your name is Nigger Faggot and say you're 420 years old :D)
How do u code games tho
Could someone tell me how to present a calculation in an alert if the var's are equal to the prompt value.i cant get them to be treated as numbers it just mashes them into one number.
But how do you get the menu on the top up? 1:14
my console shows different to the side is that kool??
can't get to the program you have
great tutorial series! thanks.. anyone else think that Will sounds like jason bateman? he even talks the same way lol..
I have already learnt python and from this tutorial it seems really similar. Thanks for the great tutorial!
You kinda sounded like hiccup there 6:38!
Nice Tutorial. Crisp and to the point. Thank you.
I tried to program your assignment of getting 2 numbers using prompt. The prompt returns Numbers as Strings . So when I add them, it will not give sum, but concatenated output. I googled and found out that We have to Parse the Strings into numbers using the parseInt() or parseFloat() , store them back into number variables, add them inside the alert . I learnt new things .
wait are you the creator of CODE ACADIMY???
whats your name again?
somehow I have lost the alert pop up window on my computer? how do i get that to work again I wonder? Otherwise I was having some fun getting started thanks
Awesome tutorials…
Windows user used to Firefox. Uses Chrome for the first time… view… whut….nope not there. Ok then, activate menu somehow to see "view", right click? Nope, doesn't do it….and off we go in searching something that should be pretty freakin obvious. Marvelous beginning. Ok, look for a guide, guide tells me to look for a wrench symbol, great it's not there either, this is starting to become silly.
var x = prompt('give me a number'); var y= prompt('give me a second number'); var z = x*y; alert(z);
var name = prompt('what is ur name');var firstnumber =+prompt('pls select ur first number for this game');var secondnumber =+prompt('pls choose ur second number now');var magic =firstnumber+secondnumber; alert(name+' '+'the sum of ur numbers are'+' '+magic) finally with the help of the comments and trying like 15-20 times
am i correct that ur var code cant have space such as var first number rather it must be var firstnumber??
Hi there, im entering 2 numbers by prompt() and then with alert() it's showing me the result as a string and not the sum of the numbers, this is my code: var x= prompt('give me a number'); var y = prompt('give me another number'); var z = alert ('the sum of your numbers is: '+ x+y);
so where's my fault?
small problem what browser or software to use for this. i type localhost9000 and nothing shows up.
what do you think of my homework?
var whothere = prompt('Knock knock, who is there?'); var who = prompt(whothere+' '+'who?'); alert(whothere+" "+who)
Great tutorial by the way!
I Love All The Series On This Channel
Heres My First Javascript Program:
var name = prompt("What Is Your Name?")
var lastname = prompt("What Is Your Last Name?")
var age = prompt("How Old Are You?")
alert("Hello " + name + lastname + "! You Are " + age + "Years Old!" )
hello i have a question i am using prompt
var name=prompt(); then i tape will
after i tape name; it shows prompt() fonction not will i am using a website of my university
Thank you man! How would you use var name=' ' to reference a div used in HTML?
what do I save the file as when doing javascript? Do i do .html or something else?
Hello can u make a video on what computers or other tech that are best for programming please!
I'm going to try and learn this to try and create my own online games
Im on Google Chrome but i cant get on the Console you were on at 1:23 how do i get on?
Trying to convert from java to Javascript was a bit of a challenge, at least trying to get used to the different syntax (I hate punctuation now). This series has definitely helped a ton and I'd recommend anyone who is watching to follow the entire series
in 2017 you can use f12 to bring it up and select console to do the same thing
thank you for helping us out with this great tutorials
Can u make tutorial on how to make your website accessable by other people
I am watching this in 2017 and I feel giddy after making it work!!!!!
Fantastic collection of videos here
this is much clearer than the last tutorial
Try this anyone
var x = prompt ('What is your first name'); var y = prompt ('What is your second name'); var z = ('your name is beautiful'); alert(z+' '+x+' '+y)
This reminds me of Python
I appreciate your effort for this tutorial, but you didn't mention how to use it with HTML/CSS pages …. how to put the JaveScript code into the pages . you dived quickly into the code rules .
var pay = prompt('How much do you make a month?'); var total = (pay * 12); prompt('You make '+total+' a year!');
this is so fun
var name = prompt('Hello, whats your name?'); var lastname = prompt(name+ " what?"); alert('Hello '+ name + lastname)
Video is good. Only flaw is- source code is not provided.if source code is provided then we can practice the code and see how things work. so please provide source code.