Javascript Tutorial Part 7: Javascript Functions

Javascript functions allow you to create a piece of code and execute at any point during the execution of the program. This Javascript tutorial discusses Javascript functions, function calls, passing arguments to a function, returning values from a function, and the scope of variables within a function. This Javascript tutorial is hosted by’s Mark Lassoff, a corporate technical trainer who leads classes for software, web and eLearning developers all over the country. Continue learning Javascript as instructor Mark Lassoff reviews Javascript functions.

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8 responses to “Javascript Tutorial Part 7: Javascript Functions”

  1. Mark!  Fantastic.  I will be watching the rest of your vids.  For years OO programmers have been telling me that I wouldn't understand what they do because I was a mainframe/assembler/COBOL programmer.  I now know that the OO simply couldn't explain what OO was so that it made sense.  Now you have done it for JavaScript.  Thanks!

  2. Newbie here. The part about an argument concluding at the 5:06 mark, could we have gotten the same result with simply writing something like this:

    var generate = alert("This was generated by a function");
    var oneOOne = alert ("101");


  3. 1. Write JavaScript statements to do the following:
    a. Create the date 1 March 1995 and assign it to the variable date1.
    b. Create a date representing today’s date and assign it to the variable
    c. Calculate the difference in days and years between date1 and date2
    and print them in the output window.
    d. Change the month of date1 to be January.
    e. Print the month of date1 in the output window.

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