JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts – The First 3.5 Hours

This is an advanced Javascript course for everyone, giving a deep understanding of the language by understanding how it works under the hood.

In the full course, you will enhance your abilities as a Javascript developer by delving into first class functions, callbacks, closures, IIFEs, prototypal inheritance, diving into the source code of jQuery, and building your own small framework/library.

Links from the first 3.5 hours: Operator precedence: and equalitiy comparison:

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30 responses to “JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts – The First 3.5 Hours”

  1. Isn't "this" how an object refers to itself? You keep saying that "this" is created. My understanding is that it is simply a personal pronoun – like me saying I. "this" exists because the object exists.

  2. Hey Tony, thanks a lot for the comprehensive explanation about Javascript concept, I've been searching for this kind of material ever since I gotten more deeply into front-end development. Your video delivers the messages very clear in each spesific applied contexts even for someone like me who had no programming/IT educational background. Keep doing the Great Work! By the way do you also writes articles? Where can I find it if you do, cheers!

  3. The History of algorithm is composed of abstract mind layers based on the previous one :
    binary -> assembly -> procedural -> object oriented -> imperative (?)
    javascript is truly unique, I feel this language as a "tree oriented" programming, because you can infinitively wrap an object/function/var in an other and even if there are many other interpreted languages, javascript is the only one, as I know, which have this kind of properties.

    What will be the next evolution ? It seems to be inner javascript itself, astounding 😮

  4. I think I'm the only person that found this course mind-numbingly boring, and I like vanilla JavaScript. I know what's happening or what's going to happen, but I still don't know what a closure or first class function is defined as. The course is mostly theoretical, it offers few exercises or projects, things that really help keep me interested in learning.

  5. Mr Alicea,
    I am trying to run the exercise in your tutorial, but I keep getting the following message:
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found).
    I searched in StockOvervflow and other resources, for an answer, but without success. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

  6. As someone who has spent the last month trying to learn JavaScript, this has been an asset. Extremely well laid out, clear and concise explanation, and provides an understanding of "why" JS works the way that it does. You should consider being a teacher. Thank so much for your help!

  7. This is one of the best JavaScript series, that actually focus on JavaScript the programming language. Most of the other tutorials teach JavaScript with HTML and CSS, which omits basic concepts of JavaScript. I think this is the best. Thanks man!

  8. Hi, it was … great ! Side question not related to material. How do you practically never making mistakes typing and video is so fluent – no mistakes or anything. Did you do each chapter 10 times ? 🙂 I even made 3 typos writing this comment.

  9. This video is amazing, but it shouldn't be the only amazing video out there like this. By that I mean, it says something about the state of programming education when only a few people have truly taken the time to break down things on this level, at least in JS. i have my own theories on why this is the case, but I would be interested to hear from others.

    Again thank you Tony. I had a job interview yesterday and almost every question was about deeper understanding of Javascript and Ruby. I was able to use what i learned from this videos to share a deeper understanding of the prototype system, scope, and object oriented programing. The distinctions you pointed out between JS and other languages helped me compare and contrast OOP in Ruby and Javascript.

    One of the last questions I was asked was the difference between null, undefined and not defined. I have examples of each and provided background to what is happening underneath the hood. I would have never know that without your teaching. Thank you.

  10. I'm half way through and yet I had that 'eureka' feeling within the first 5 minutes!

    Tony is a superb teacher and his slow, steady and deliberate pace is just perfect for me. I actually feel so content that I am progressively understanding everything so easily because of the way he presents all the knowledge to us.

    This course is ESSENTIAL for every JavaScript programmer. I am happy in the knowledge now that I shall become the JavaScript programmer that I now feel capable of becoming! I'm now looking forward to continuing this study for the next 100 minutes! I'm so happy! 😀

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