This jQuery Tutorial for beginners will help you get jQuery on your page and get up-to-speed with how to use basic jQuery commands.
What is jQuery? As you’ll see in this tutorial, even beginners to javascript can write jQuery within minutes. It’s also the most universally used javascript library in the world at present, so odds are your next employer will be using it.
The first thing we’ll be doing in this jQuery lesson is showing, hiding, fading, & sliding. Next, we’ll modify contents of elements and learn to do a better job keeping our code clean.
Lesson #2: Listen to user events and respond with jQuery actions!
Lesson #3: Clean up the jQuery by putting some data in the HTML
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39 responses to “jQuery Tutorial #1 – jQuery Tutorial for Beginners”
Do i know your voice from Fallout Gameplay videos??
with the jQuery, do i download the Compressed or uncompressed copies
wow jQuery is so much fun to work with. Thumbs of for this tutorial.
you got 2017 tutorial for this sir?
Excellent first jQuery video! Definitely caught my attention.
Where can I get the HTML code you have in this video?
And can you include the link to all lessons in this series in the description box?
wow. youre good teacher. explaining line per line of code. just the way i like it. thank you!
This was a great first tutorial. I've been trying to get input fields to pop up when the user clicks a button and I haven't been able to follow a single tutorial yet. This is the first one I've followed where the output actually DID something, so thank you so much!
I'm one video in and I already admire your teaching abilities.
You're the best!
did thuis lesson start 5 mins in?? how you get the drag boxes up already?
As of 2017 what coding languages should i know to land an entry level job?
I'm an English Literature student, and I want to be a Web Developer, is it weird?
Thanks for you videos and your awesome attitude, really appreciate your help!
Extremely well taught. Does fadeIn/fadeToggle Works in Safari?
hey,,dont apologise for confusing people…most are 99% confused after trying to work out wtf Jquery is 'after' reading the first page of their website..
I have a homework assignment and in it in my JS script is says:
// execute when the DOM is fully loaded
$(function() {
// some code
Why doesn't it use
$(document).ready(function() {} );
it's not J QUEERY, faggot. learn to pronounce query. you sound like a faggot.
for some reason when I try to .css another selector nothing happens
thank you
Did the video upload twice ?
Gosh I miss that old mac UI, so refined and stylish, so much better then the flat playskool crap now.
Bro how do I install jQuery?
I like the fact you bring this all in a fun way. To many are to serious when explaining coding. Thank you. Grtz from the Netherlands.
super Like!

Thank you. This worked out really well when I got Bootstrap with boxes and panels set up and the JQuery file ready to go.
If $('Document').ready(function) is same thing as $(function() then why would you ever use $('Document').ready(function)? Less code is better, right?
Excellent, Awesome. I enjoy a lot watch your videos. Keep Up.
fun way of teaching . such a great tutorial
you and learnwebcode have the best web dev tutorials on youtube.
Perfect! Exactly what I needed, saved me countless hours. Thank you thank you thank you!!
is there anyway of contacting you for personal help? related to coding of course
Hi I am trying to make an mobile app for my homework. I want to create maths app kids answer maths questions. And if they are correct it will tell them they are successful and move on to the next question. How can I implement this using jquery code. I can do the basic get questions on the page but what code I use when they input there answer into the box and then code to submit there answer let them know there are correct. I would appreciate help.
Angular is pretty lit
thanks man, i'm not sleepy now just like others teaching. lol
Alhamdulillah I found this tutorial. You rock Thank you for this.
Nice lesson, fast and concise, I Lernt some things! thx
Thank you!!!
Superb dude, thanks a ton for making these precious videos, your videos made me realised that jQuery is easy and fun.