This complete 134-part JavaScript tutorial for beginners will teach you everything you need to know to get started with the JavaScript programming language. The font-size in this tutorial is large, making it perfect for viewing on small screens.
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Course Contents
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37 responses to “Learn JavaScript – Full Course for Beginners”
(0:01:24) 1. Running JavaScript
(0:04:23) 2. Comment Your JavaScript Code
(0:05:56) 3. Declare JavaScript Variables
(0:06:15) 4. Storing Values with the Assignment Operator
(0:11:31) 5. Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator
(0:11:58) 6. Understanding Uninitialized Variables
(0:12:40) 7. Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables
(0:14:05) 8. Add Two Numbers with JavaScript
(0:14:34) 9. Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript
(0:14:52) 10. Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript
(0:15:12) 11. Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript
(0:15:30) 12. Increment a Number with JavaScript
(0:15:58) 13. Decrement a Number with JavaScript
(0:16:22) 14. Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript
(0:16:48) 15. Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript
(0:17:18) 16. Divide One Decimal by Another with JavaScript
(0:17:33) 17. Finding a Remainder in JavaScript
(0:18:22) 18. Compound Assignment With Augmented Addition
(0:19:22) 19. Compound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction
(0:20:18) 20. Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication
(0:20:51) 21. Compound Assignment With Augmented Division
(0:21:19) 22. Declare String Variables
(0:22:01) 23. Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings
(0:23:44) 24. Quoting Strings with Single Quotes
(0:25:18) 25. Escape Sequences in Strings
(0:26:46) 26. Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator
(0:27:49) 27. Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator
(0:29:01) 28. Constructing Strings with Variables
(0:30:14) 29. Appending Variables to Strings
(0:31:11) 30. Find the Length of a String
(0:32:01) 31. Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String
(0:33:27) 32. Understand String Immutability
(0:34:23) 33. Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String
(0:34:51) 34. Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String
(0:35:48) 35. Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a
(0:36:28) 36. Word Blanks
(0:40:44) 37. Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
(0:41:43) 38. Nest one Array within Another Array
(0:42:33) 39. Access Array Data with Indexes
(0:43:34) 40. Modify Array Data With Indexes
(0:44:48) 41. Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes
(0:46:30) 42. Manipulate Arrays With push()
(0:47:29) 43. Manipulate Arrays With pop()
(0:48:33) 44. Manipulate Arrays With shift()
(0:49:23) 45. Manipulate Arrays With unshift()
(0:50:36) 46. Shopping List
(0:51:41) 47. Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions
(0:53:41) 48. Passing Values to Functions with Arguments
(0:55:43) 49. Global Scope and Functions
(0:59:31) 50. Local Scope and Functions
(1:00:46) 51. Global vs. Local Scope in Functions
(1:02:40) 52. Return a Value from a Function with Return
(1:03:55) 53. Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function
(1:04:52) 54. Assignment with a Returned Value
(1:05:52) 55. Stand in Line
(1:08:41) 56. Understanding Boolean Values
(1:09:24) 57. Use Conditional Logic with If Statements
(1:11:51) 58. Comparison with the Equality Operator
(1:13:18) 59. Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator
(1:14:43) 60. Practice comparing different values
(1:15:38) 61. Comparison with the Inequality Operator
(1:16:20) 62. Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator
(1:17:05) 63. Comparison with the Greater Than Operator
(1:17:39) 64. Comparison with the Greater Than Or Equal To Operator
(1:18:09) 65. Comparison with the Less Than Operator
(1:18:44) 66. Comparison with the Less Than Or Equal To Operator
(1:19:17) 67. Comparisons with the Logical And Operator
(1:20:41) 68. Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator
(1:21:37) 69. Introducing Else Statements
(1:22:27) 70. Introducing Else If Statements
(1:23:30) 71. Logical Order in If Else Statements
(1:24:45) 72. Chaining If Else Statements
(1:27:45) 73. Golf Code
(1:32:15) 74. Selecting from Many Options with Switch Statements
(1:35:46) 75. Adding a Default Option in Switch Statements
(1:37:23) 76. Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements
(1:39:20) 77. Replacing If Else Chains with Switch
(1:41:11) 78. Returning Boolean Values from Functions
(1:42:20) 79. Return Early Pattern for Functions
(1:43:38) 80. Counting Cards
(1:49:11) 81. Build JavaScript Objects
(1:50:46) 82. Accessing Object Properties with Dot Notation
(1:51:33) 83. Accessing Object Properties with Bracket Notation
(1:52:47) 84. Accessing Object Properties with Variables
(1:53:34) 85. Updating Object Properties
(1:54:30) 86. Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object
(1:55:19) 87. Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object
(1:55:54) 88. Using Objects for Lookups
(1:57:43) 89. Testing Objects for Properties
(1:59:15) 90. Manipulating Complex Objects
(2:01:00) 91. Accessing Nested Objects
(2:01:53) 92. Accessing Nested Arrays
(2:03:06) 93. Record Collection
(2:10:15) 94. Iterate with JavaScript While Loops
(2:11:35) 95. Iterate with JavaScript For Loops
(2:13:56) 96. Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop
(2:15:28) 97. Count Backwards With a For Loop
(2:17:08) 98. Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop
(2:19:43) 99. Nesting For Loops
(2:22:45) 100. Iterate with JavaScript Do…While Loops
(2:24:12) 101. Profile Lookup
(2:28:18) 102. Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript
(2:28:54) 103. Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript
(2:30:21) 104. Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range
(2:31:46) 105. Use the parseInt Function
(2:32:36) 106. Use the parseInt Function with a Radix
(2:33:29) 107. Use the Conditional (Ternary) Operator
(2:34:57) 108. Use Multiple Conditional (Ternary) Operators
(2:36:57) 109. Explore Differences Between the var and let Keywords
(2:39:02) 110. Compare Scopes of the var and let Keywords
(2:41:32) 111. Declare a Read-Only Variable with the const Keyword
(2:43:40) 112. Mutate an Array Declared with const
(2:44:52) 113. Prevent Object Mutation
(2:47:17) 114. Use Arrow Functions to Write Concise Anonymous Functions
(2:28:24) 115. Write Arrow Functions with Parameters
(2:49:27) 116. Write Higher Order Arrow Functions
(2:53:04) 117. Set Default Parameters for Your Functions
(2:54:00) 118. Use the Rest Operator with Function Parameters
(2:55:31) 119. Use the Spread Operator to Evaluate Arrays In-Place
(2:57:18) 120. Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Objects
(3:00:18) 121. Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Nested Objects
(3:01:55) 122. Use Destructuring Assignment to Assign Variables from Arrays
(3:03:40) 123. Use Destructuring Assignment with the Rest Operator to Reassign Array
(3:05:05) 124. Use Destructuring Assignment to Pass an Object as a Function's
(3:06:39) 125. Create Strings using Template Literals
(3:10:43) 126. Write Concise Object Literal Declarations Using Simple Fields
(3:12:24) 127. Write Concise Declarative Functions with ES6
(3:12:56) 128. Use class Syntax to Define a Constructor Function
(3:15:11) 129. Use getters and setters to Control Access to an Object
(3:20:25) 130. Understand the Differences Between import and require
(3:22:33) 131. Use export to Reuse a Code Block
(3:23:40) 132. Use * to Import Everything from a File
(3:24:50) 133. Create an Export Fallback with export default
(3:25:26) 134. Import a Default Export
Thanks for posting this. But in your example, many places … you didn’t end a line with semicolon which is best practice.
And also I see the same example explained twice back to back many times.
can someone make Finnish subtitles???
so funny, most of the code u made u didn't run on compiler u just show the result base on ur on mind not on compiler. then why keep remaking the codes.?
just run the compiler, it just a waste of time retyping the code and change variables and don't run it.?
for what.?
1:23 "Let's learn some javascript"
Me: Well he's not even going to invite the kid to get his coding career started early. How rude. Lol
Thanks for this BO
I have this homework where i have to draw polygons and do animations on javascript…. i just dont get it
Awesome work dude. Congrats!
honestly, it was a really bad course. there was a ton of articles that you skipped and I was wondering what are they and I got confused. like IIFE or "this" keyword…
What is the 0 at the end of the reduce part supposed to do? at the 2:55:00 time. i tried running without it and still get same result.
Is undefined equivalent to a void in other languages like C, C++ ? This question based on first 5 minutes of video.
I am at 49:34
Thanks so much everyone responsible for this course !
1:50:37 …
1:04:00 (just reminder 4 me)
Personal Timestamp:
May I ask on what editor are you typing this?
console.log("I feel sad for Quincy!");
Am I the only one saw the "bundle of joy" kid leaking ice from the bus ? 01:22
1:56:56 whaaaaaaat?
Thank you!
41:40 Because, Quincy is number 1. Great touch, Beau.
i have 2 certs of JS for begginers but nothing compare with this course
console.log("thank you from tunisia");
1:12:26 booleans
This video is worth so much. This is so clear. The only thing that I could not get my mind around is the notation for the function at Write Higher Order Arrow Functions, 2:53:04.
why did not you put these lessons videos as support inside freecodcamp academy in javascript lesson???
Why 11%3 is 9?
get a good mic like mike
Everyone Else: Wow what a great resource, GREAT JOB!
Me, 2:00 in : how the hell did he make it an HTML?
Hope you teach the same to your kid. He'll be a great programmer. Programmers are designers of the world, they should rule it!
I’d like to donate. Let me know where I can.
school has now essentially become useless to me as i know everything they will teach me. thank you!
30 seconds in I’m kind of scared & need to know why theirs a kid & a bus

Thanks for this amazing video and foregoing the ads. Truly appreciate that. BTW you remind me of Gilfoyle from Silicon Valley. He's one of my favs so that's a complement. Cheers.
I found most of this tutorial easy except was disappointed with the arrow function and class object sections as i feel this was not explained well enough, i found it difficult to understand.