A crash course in SQL. How to write SQL from scratch in 1 hour. In this video I show you how to write SQL using SQL Server and SQL Server Management …
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Learn SQL in 1 Hour – SQL Basics for Beginners

A crash course in SQL. How to write SQL from scratch in 1 hour. In this video I show you how to write SQL using SQL Server and SQL Server Management …
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21 responses to “Learn SQL in 1 Hour – SQL Basics for Beginners”
After watching this video i m going to try it now
thnkeu so much sir for this video…
Great Video!! i think this summed it up in an easy to understand flow.
Huge thanks, completed entire tutorial.
I just want to light a candle for anyone (like me) that pressed F5 on the youtube video instead of SQL mgmt studio several times throughout watching.
May your BP levels now be lowered once completed.
nice very good…. good refresher for me!
Hi Joey, Thanks for this info, has been helping me in learning SQL! I have picked up so far two discrepancies for those using Linux (Mysql) of late… in my aspect – I am using MariaDB (mySql in Manjaro Linux), and some syntax is different or not allowed in your tutorial. So far, 1) When you DELETE data from a table (multiple entries) it will not let you just using DELETE tablename…. instead in MariaDB using MySQL Workbench Ver 8 (oracle), you need to use the Syntax – DELETE Customer from dbname; — then it will delete all the data. Second one I just picked up at 34:18 into your tutorial, is for the Primary Key – identity is now replaced by – AUTO_INCREMENT – it does not allow identity(1,1). If I pick up any more I will post here as I go through (For anyone who has a similar issue, otherwise its great, thanks again!!
once we delete ,….can we not undo??
Hi this is good video i need to learn how install sql server because im network eng.
5:05 for start of actual work.
Fantastic insight to learning the basics of SQL… Very well done sir.
Great Tutorial.
Really nice video! Was a good way to brush up my skills not used in a long time
Perhaps the best SQL starter tutorial out there.
Thank you !
Hello, i have got a question i am totally new in sql, but since i had watched your videos , i am good enough to make my own queries , i have got a silly question , kindly explain me when we were creating a new table at 36:51 we did not used ; and when we were creating our 1st table we did used ;
Why we don't need to use ; in second table.
I hope if you answer me back
Or anyone who knows the answer kindly reply me back thank you.
Can I use SSMS online? If not is there a Mac version or a program similar to that ?
I actually have to take a Database Fundamentals course this next semester, so thanks Joey. This helps explain things, as well as refresh my memory of C# and some programming.
How good am I with SQL if I can learn everything on this video? Also, what SQL book would you recommend for someone new to data analysis?
Easy to follow and thorough videos,Thank you really did help me as a beginner.
very good course, but voice is not clearly audible. i am an indian ,facing problem with your voice and accent.