Learn to Mask in 2 Minutes! – Photoshop Tutorial


Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”


Join the discussion and view the tutorial on Tutvid.com: http://tutvid.com/photoshop/learn-mask-90-seconds-photoshop-tutorial/

Masking is the granddaddy of skills in Photoshop. Master masking and you’re well on your way to conquering Photoshop. In graphic and web design as well as photograph retouching, masking is the fastest and easiest way to erase layers without actually erasing them. This allows you to fine tune your adjustments and graphics down to the pixel without worrying about erasing or having to undo a thousand times. Check out this “Photoshop in 90 seconds” tutorial to learn how you can start masking today.


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34 responses to “Learn to Mask in 2 Minutes! – Photoshop Tutorial”

  1. straight to the topic and the best simple tutorial ever. please one question, i see in the layer section that you have red and green car image, how did you change the whole colour of the image from red to green before masking out the other colour

  2. Thank you so much for this. Short, and to the point.

    I always give up on tutorials because people make them so long, it gets so boring. Don't get me wrong, videos on in-depth subjects and tips can be useful, but when I am looking to learn ONE tool, it doesn't need to be 30 minutes long. If I am watching a video on a photoshop tool, I don't need you to tell me 479873 different ways to duplicate my layer because I already know. Again, thank you.

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