Maya 2016 tutorial : How to create rain with nParticles

In this Maya 2016 tutorial I will show you how to create rain against a backdrop in Maya 2016


32 responses to “Maya 2016 tutorial : How to create rain with nParticles”

  1. Im gonna give this a try.. I do have a question though, if I were to make a bifrost puddle, could I make the rain drops collide with said puddle or would I need to "cache" it first? I'll do some research on it but I think you made another tutorial involving passive colliders

  2. Note for newbies:
    A better way to make the collision plane invisible is to go into the hypershade view, click on Lambert in the list (to create a new lambert material), and assign the plane to Lambert 2 (the material you just created). Then you can set the transparency to maximum.
    Lambert 1 is the default material, so if you edit that, the rest of the objects you create in the same scene will start out invisible, making them hard to work with. I've also heard it makes Maya freak out and stop working anyways in some cases.

  3. Hey Mike! I was wondering if you could do a dynamics video on how to simulate fire? I have a scene that I've created for a Demo Reel, and in that scene are a few Braziers (polygons, no nurbs), that I'd like to have fire emitting from. Thank you in advance if you are able to get to it.

  4. nice tutorial, but did you know that hitting 'apply' does the exact same thing as hitting 'create', except 'apply' keeps the dialog box open? So all the time you did things twice and it only didn't create problems because Maya errored out XD

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