In this quite amusing tutorial I transfer a mocap file of a person who jumps around happily to an obese man. The mocap file comes from and is free. The obese man is a default character in Maya’s Content Browser. He has no skeleton inside, so we Quick Rig one, before actually transfering the motion of the jumping character to our obese man.
A week ago Arnold 5.1 came out, with aiToon as a new shader. I use this shader for rendering at the end of the video.
Maya has had a toon shader built in for many years. See a provious tutorial I did:
The music: I composed that piece a while ago and named it “dubius 170”.
24 responses to “Maya: Mocap Data Transfer [Character Animation]”
thank you! a great tutorial like always!
i get problem , i did same as you did like this but i did not very perfect same as my source , do you have contact ? , i will send my video to you and you can check and please give me the solution
so i have the animation of a character jumping onto an object, how do i now connect the mocap data of it running to the animation of it jumping?
Thank you
Thanks for the vid, subscribed.
I have done this this way but after importing my and fbx file eka the name of the source tab will not be mentioned.
Hey ,
Please mention , this tutorial is not generally useful for all fbx motion capture files .
coudnt get all animation just first frame
what to dio ?
tank u
I don't have the Trooper option
the animation does not appear in the human ik
I don't have the Trooper option.
You'll need to change the name of your character to something to something else to avoid having 2 "Characters". If you have 2 of them named the same thing, it's a problem.
Please give a same example on nonhuman characters..
How to make mocap with kinect 2 in maya?
You've just saved me a lot money, thank you!
I have the same issue – my Mixamo fbx skeleton is not showing up in Source, only Stance and Control Rig.
thank you… very cool features @ 2018… and for you, finding this VIDEO right now
1. Follow the Master Instruction on this Video^^
2. Select the Belly, by selecting one Vertex (middle one) and SHIFT+> to grow your Selection
3. with a good Selection on the Belly, convert the Selection to Face (contained option)
4. go to MainMenu/Deformer and select the Jiggle Deformer with Default Options
5. Go to the Jiggle1 Attributes… Stiffness – 0.879 / Damping – 0.060 / Jiggle Weight – 0.736
and Mr.Fatty will WOBBLE af
nochmal danke @Uhr
hi i have a question i would like to ask you
Please help! In source menu i don't have the mocap name(( only: none, stance and control rig.
nice video. how to do same with cinema 4d
Hello, some fbx mocap files are not appearing in source option ( where control rig is). Turbosquid files do appear but others aren't, please help.
finally got what i was looking for, thanks
Oh Nice! I will use this in my next "training day" with Maya
Dear Sir Maximilian, I have a questions: could make a tutorial how to render in Maya? how looks rendering? where we can find live rendering processing time bar or thing which shows how many frames we have left? This will be very very very helpful! Have a nice day and thank you for your channel <3