This video playlist covers the rigging setup of sticky lips (aka zipper lips) using a series of blendshapes and setRange nodes.
This video covers the creation of the ribbon and joints.
***These tutorial videos are for more advanced rigging. You should already have a very firm grasp of Maya, character rigging, as well as Python scripting before attempting this setup.
One response to “Maya Sticky Lips Rigging Tutorial Part 3”
import pymel.core as pm
sel =
counter = 1
for each in sel:
new_name = 'lowerLip' + str(counter) + '_ribbonFollicle'
pm.rename(each, new_name)
new_joint = pm.joint(n='lowerLip' + str(counter) + '_ribbon_bind', p=[0,0,0], radius=0.05)
pm.parent(new_joint, new_name)
for each_attr in ['tx','ty','tz','rx','ry','rz']:
pm.setAttr(new_joint + '.' + each_attr, 0)
counter = counter + 1