Modeling a Destiny Cosplay helmet in Blender. In this video I show how I recreated this Destiny game helmet for a YouTube subscriber. NOW AVAILABLE ON MY PATREON
My name is Paul Van Gaans, I’m a 20 year veteran of the animation industry and this is my foray into the world of 3D printing and YouTube content creation.
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Paul Van Gaans
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Bongo by KV
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Good For You by THBD
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Lo-Fi Space Ambient Drone Music | 1 Hour
Composed by Forgotten Dawn.
Available for download here: https://forgottendawn-main.bandcamp.c…
20 responses to “Modeling a Destiny Cosplay Helmet in Blender”
could you upload the 2d screenshots so we can follow one for one please

I just learned about "mean crease". Which is the best thing ever! Thank you
Seriously, why did nobody tell me about this function sooner?!?
Thank you for making this ,greatly appreciated.Peace.
you deserve subs pa !
Wow you're amazing
Excellent work, feedback: The first part was super great. after the speedup, you use like 5 technics that can use some voice-over explaining what tools or why you chose that approach. The troubleshooting part was a great example of how to fix a complicated issue. Thank you for your time and work.
This is easily the best tutorial I've found in the last 4 months of trying to learn blender. Thank you so much for making this, it has been incredibly helpful.
Is there a specific reason that you are using blender? Or would you want to use any other software if you could get it for free? Rhino for example
How about some beginner tutorials seems like you have good knowledge and can teach it well.
Very impressive! Always appreciate good boxmodelling!
Hi Paul …………………… You're the reason that I'm not getting much sleep these days! ; )
Up all night watching your videos, I'm particularly interested in the use of Blender 3D and the way that your're using it. I'm not a great fan of sped-up videos …………… so watched the entire thing at quarter speed! Great stuff : )
Have you moved entirely to Blender 2.80 now?
Have you managed to set the viewport grid to millimetre squares?
Been trying to do that for days, can't figure it out! : (
Anyway mate, all the best.
T4 Concepts
Why did it take so long finding your channel?! Well, you got a new subscriber, like it or not. XD Keep cranking out the content!
Your a mad scientist Paul ! haha
Wow, once again. I saw this totally different. I looked at the helmet as having the inner blue section with some sort of hearing protection and the white as merely a track with the strengthening pieces for the chin of the visor were at. I thought you would have to model the inner helmet first and then the outer visor and mechanism last. I was surprised as you worked on the visor slide first. I am at the 39 minute mark wondering if this is just a static model.
Impressive work as always, modelling AND editing
What are your, as a long-time user, thoughts on Blender 2.8? I've downloaded it and started playing around. It will be a while before I can achieve what i want, but I'm enjoying learning!
This channel needs more subscribers
Nice work!