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Mysql Database Tutorial for Beginners 1 # Download and Install MYSQL Database Windows 8/Windows 8.1

50 responses to “Mysql Database Tutorial for Beginners 1 # Download and Install MYSQL Database Windows 8/Windows 8.1”
dude u treat us like computer idiots
Thanks man, very informative and helpful.
your windows 8 is running smooth on virtual box ,how much ram are you having ?
1:41 DIFFERENT FLAVORS? YO ? Its called "types" not "FLAVOURS".
please work upon you speech…… too many pauses which really test viewers patience…. and no need to say 'give password which you will remember'…..we are not kids to tell that thing
Thank you very much for your hard work to help our learning! You have more subscriber than the population of an average sized town 🙂 I wish you all the best!
port error
Helped so much! Ty
Thank you very much, I am starting with mysql, but I couldn't find the design mode and all that stuff when I was trying it ou before watching the video. I guess I screwed up alot of things including on the installation part. I guess I will reinstall it, but since this vid was very helpful and informative I gave it a like and I've subscribed it, you deserve it.
i downloaded it ,followed your steps but workbench didnt open up
do i download a connector now or the work bench??
EDIT: I downloaded a connector and it worked…… ought to include this in your video!!
Thanx much for this, but how possible can i download the tutorials pliz.
Rajeesh is that you?
This was truly helpful, I had tried several times on my own but was not able to successfully install it … thanks!
Hi, after rebooting my pc, why I could not connect to the database server ? I have set everything to default with localhost, and I keep reinstalling MySQL. Why am I only allowed to use 1 time?
Thanks for this Awesome video, which one is the next video in this series as after clicking next it redirect to some different series of video.
very helpful thankuuu so much
Thank you very much for your thoroughness in your videos. As someone who is learning on my own the complete steps are very helpful.
u talk to much, but thanks
I have windows 10 and don't see executable that I can install I get zip file which does not has executable what can do to install MYSQL
Hi where do i get the rest of the vdos….i found one in your channel but it is not the same part 1.
Thanks a lot.Helped me a lot.
bloody hell, do you need to buy visio studios??????
nice tutorial !
but fucked englisch !
u are so fucking shit in making a video…
AWESOME!!!!! thank you for taking your time to explain mysql community installation. This video was a great assistance. i started learning sql past 7days and will listen to all your videos.God bless you sir!
give me the mother fucking link!! IDIOT!!!
you should make your videos to the point. You tried to give all the info at the same time and that is very distracting!
requires too much other software that I would have to pay for. I don't have visual studio or C++ so I cannot continue
i got only MySql Connector in product section.. What Should i do???
Thank a lot. It was very helpful!
I like you man, good luck in Germany!
the download and the installing in complete but MySQL Workbench didn't pop up like yours did and i can't locate it my computer can you help me please !
Thnks My Brother
Installed the MSI, executed it, tried to add the MySQL Server but when it just starts to download it it stops immediately and says "Failed". Some help please!
Vielen Dank!
Thank you for the tutorial it works perfectly!!!!
Awesome tutorial,i like it
many many thanks sir
you should add links easier for people
thank you sooo much!!!
goooooooooooooods! you don't need to read all the information on the screen! just install the damn thing!
Thanks man! good video.
Mine says the sever failed to download PLEASE HELP!
nice video man…helped me a lot..
error what's wrong T.T
please help me !!!
my machine is win8 and a keep trying to instal mysql but there is this error:"unable to determine the products that correspond with that setup type" I've tried a lot of thing but I can't fix it.
If some one knows the solution please tell me
I get an empty dialog box saying "Unable to determine the products that correspond with that setup type" when I click on Developer Default.
Please guide.
I'm getting error service mysql not found can you help me ?