webinaction.co.uk The PDO object takes a maximum of four parameters, of which only three are obligatory, so we start out by creating a new instance of the PDO …
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MySQL PDO Tutorial Lesson 1 – Connection

webinaction.co.uk The PDO object takes a maximum of four parameters, of which only three are obligatory, so we start out by creating a new instance of the PDO …
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10 responses to “MySQL PDO Tutorial Lesson 1 – Connection”
Richard, I can't find the file. where can I download it, please
what editor you will using ..eg(dreamwever ,blueflish..etc)
Excellent explanation with complete notes, hats off
i can't see the link to the database..
Thank you very much
You can follow other instructions here: http://www.makeother.com/2016/06/connection-database-in-drupal.html
You sound so much like David Attenborough! you should definitely give voice acting a go! Im sure if you put just a tiny bit more effort you, you'd be a world wide sensation! Good luck!
loving your tutorials btw!
thanks, very understandable.
incredibly useful.
I sincerely thank you!
This is great! Although I would like to see how to set up a PHP driver to run PDO. Especially for xampp.