MySQL Tutorial

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28 responses to “MySQL Tutorial”

  1. It's 3am, and the first day of my first real job starts at 8am. I was told to review SQL and familiarize myself with Perl, so I sat down with my computer and watched both of your tutorials. I just finished watching them back to back. I'll find out if your tutorials are any good very soon haha, no they definitely are. I feel very prepared and I sincerely thank you for that. Fingers crossed that they only ask about what you covered! Thanks again and keep up the great work.

  2. I have a table call member and which has FName,DOB columns. I was able to get age from the DOB Now need to get AgeRange field based on following range(0-18,19-30,30-99) for my C# project. How do I achieve this in SQL


    Please help me .

  3. Yes, I did watch the whole video. THank you, it was one of the better vid's that I have seen. It gave me a good way to get a new data base started. Now, I need to find out how to join on the back end of a web site..

  4. It's late evening and the 4th time watching, pausing and typing data and I can tell that so far command line is much easier than workbench for simple things. (Linux here)… my only struggle is to comprehend the Primary key Foreign Key relation but will work on that… Thank you, Derek!
    PS: My pet hates – misspelling when inserting data but long live up-arrow key! 🙂

  5. It took me a whole morning unable to run MySQL. It turned out that I forgot to remember the temporary password generated after installation. I think this is important to take note. Hope others won't make the same silly mistake as me ?.

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