MySQL Tutorial for Beginners – 5 – Deleting Data From a Database

Watch TV on your PC. Delete different rows and columns or combination of rows of data in a mysql database.

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32 responses to “MySQL Tutorial for Beginners – 5 – Deleting Data From a Database”

  1. Sir I have added a new column and I wants to add the values in that particular column I am using insert command it is working bt it creates new row and I wants to insert value in existing row for that particular added column plz tell me how can I insert the value

  2. the videos are extremely helpful… but i have a doubt…
    if i want to delete a particular row and by mistake many rows gets deleted due to a wrong statement, then can we undo the statement?
    if yes how …..?

  3. hello thnxx very muchfor this explanation i am currently living in riyadh and in my school teacher dosent explain much or not convinent for us but u have explained in such a way that i understand it eaisly and scored good marks god bless you

  4. He just meant that as an example. However, you can use that column to keep some user hidden to all your users.
    For example if you are going to use this table to create a list of all user for management, standard user will have access to user with variable visible=1 and administrators will have access to users with variable visible 1 and 0.

  5. Hi primetuber….all ur videos are very clear…I have a small question for u, in this 5th one…Please tell me how to update the id number after deleting few rows?…After u deleted 1,3 and 5….the serial no (id no's) looks unordered…so how to keep them in order by keeping the data unchanged…..Thanks a lot 🙂

  6. thanks for the videos it was EXTREMELY helpful!

    i like the approach you take by taking things slowly, explaining evertyhing in detail and going through the process step by step. This way, beginners like myself are really able to understand how to do basic commands. great job!

    i think you could do even better by explaining the installation process. personally, i was lost trying to figure out which SQL installer i needed. i got that sorted out though! 🙂

  7. Hi there, thanks for uploading such informative videos. They are really useful for beginners. What i didn't get there is if we delete any rows then the id does not auto increment itself. i.e when you delete the first row then everything in the first row get deleted. That's OK but why doesn't that second row id(2) get changed to 1 after deletion the first row. How can i make it working? Hope, you will reply. Bye

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