MySQL Tutorial For Beginners – 7 – Searching Through a Database Using Operators.
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MySQL Tutorial For Beginners – 7 – Searching Through a Database Using Operators

MySQL Tutorial For Beginners – 7 – Searching Through a Database Using Operators.
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37 responses to “MySQL Tutorial For Beginners – 7 – Searching Through a Database Using Operators”
I think in 2,3 video wallpaper is missing.
Thanks for videos 1-7. Are there any plans for more videos on this topic?
Really helped thanks
So Nice sir
Great Explanation..! but please change the wallpaper when making videos…
Thank you very much for the seriese SQL videos.. Helped alot
I don't know whats up with some people, i prefer ignoring them….
U have helped me a & others a lot, i was searching for videos of MySql bt didnt find any much helpful, Out of all such videos ur set of videos were the best for understanding the concept……
Can you show us more codes……..great videos keep it up
thanks sir helped me big time
Thanks a lot sir this tuotorial help me lot….once again tahnks a lot
Can you change your wallpapers to something other in upcoming videos so that peeps around me are assured I am studying?
Great tutos, never mind the odd comments about your videos. You did a great job, helped me and many others around.
How to write a quairey in toad … ! bro
hi brother, you have given good tutorials., thanx,
I have one question that can you please tell how to grant permissions to users in database?
Dude, You did great work with your tutorials of mysql

Keep doing such work
whats that wallpaper though.
hi my brother i am from anotherside of the planet but loving your tutrials ..
thanks very much, you break my stone,, thanks
sir g language use hindi because we are students of govt school,india education system is corrupt
tout ça est très beau. j’apprécie vraiment et mercis pour vos enseignements. voila j'ai des envies grandissante et voudrais en savoir plus. alors si je veux changé le compte utilisateur root pour créer un nouveau compte, par exemple rise avec un password et lui attribué les mêmes droits d'accès que le compte par défaut administrateur root
can u do Sorting in row wise????
such as:
____________________ ____________________
id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5
————————————– ————————————–
1 45 87 12 57 17 1 12 17 45 57 87
2 54 65 84 24 67
———-> 2 24 54 65 67 843 46 34 62 91 28 3 28 34 46 62 91
4 55 85 54 66 11 4 11 54 55 66 85
Thanks, a basic knowlwdge can be gain from these videos, well how the database can be seen in any web interface and from there can be added and deleted, can any body provide any link?
good video to learn MySql…Thanks man…
thanks man great videos.. I learned a lot thank you
i like all the tutorial you gave us. It is really easy to understand
man thnx alot for the wonderful lecture. may God or Allah reward you abundantly.
Your tutorials are straightforward andvery informative. Thank you very much. Are you going to do videos on mid-level Mysql?
how do you connect a data base to an application?
Please upload mysql video tutorial
Upload next one man
I easily understand your fantastic video tutorial from 1 – 7. It helps me a lot! Thanks sir! More videos pls.
Make a tutorial on triggers and views!!!
sir, your mysql tutorials are fantastic. Need some more on the advanced stuff.
It is a one of the fantastic video tutorial plz upload next versions of tutorials.
fantastic series of tutorial………….please extends it.
what after thi,,,, i want to know more,,,,also i ve got some doubts.
can you contact me(