VB.NET – How to get user entered data from datagridview to windows Visual Basic Insert, Update and Delete from DataGridView to sql server,MySql Sql …
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MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 12 : Show database values in Table or DataGridView

VB.NET – How to get user entered data from datagridview to windows Visual Basic Insert, Update and Delete from DataGridView to sql server,MySql Sql …
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34 responses to “MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 12 : Show database values in Table or DataGridView”
i try this code but my datagridview is not refreshing.. the table are duplicating.
hi ive just follow your code and after ive save my data in the database its duplicating may data in the table and for me to see the updated table i just need to click the load table button again. what should i do? thanks
hi sir , i watched all your tutorials regarding this topic and somehow i am stuck at this problem when you click on load button theres an error says you cant connect to this mariadb server, can you please tell me how to solvee this
thanks man really helpful . can you upload video, VB.NET WPF : How to Link ListBox and ComboBox with Database.?
thanks for all the vedios. all are awsome, can you make the same using the sql server management studio instead of mysql that would be helpful even though most of the code looks the same
proje source ?
hi .. i'd follow the things you did but i've got this kind of error : the selectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'FILL'.. Can you help me fix this error?! thank you very much in advance
good!, but now, How can i delete multiple records?
hey can you display it in another form ?? i mean create new form using codes only?? not adding using the toolbox and display there the data or record thanks in davance!!!
Thank you very much.
Thank u sir , can u tell me how to search exact value in datagridview
Hello there , foirst of all I would like to thank you for your help Could you please show me how to import date from MySQL to show in DATGRIDVIEW when selecting combox.
tnx man..
I am having duplicate value in mydatagridview anyone help!!
Help me, Error at "Command = New MySqlCommand(Query, MysqlConn)
Excellent man… It works great, thanks for explaining. Keep it up.
if i have 2000 daya with image so datagrid view table shown all record in second?
sir how can see your previous video
you pronounce "Data" in a funny way
I wrote this code but i am not getting any output please help me.
The video did not work my system
Sir! How to view multiple tables? I have 3 tables and I want to view it individually in datagridview.. How do I do that? SIR PLEASE REPLY!
thank you sir
i have a probleme with valus null afffiche message d'erreur/les donnees sont null cette méthode ou proprieté ne peut pas etre appellée sur des valeurs null
please help me
thank you sir in advance.. i really need it for our thesis
Thank You, you saved my dilemma.
Thank you ProgrammingKnowledge for your videos.
I want to display a Boolean column from Mysql Database as a checkbox column in the datagridview.
Can someone help me please? I'm a beginner
Greetings sir! I am a big fan of yours and I kinda trying to make my own program which is base from your teachings. Well the problem is I do not know how to make report base on database. I tried to watch different videos with regards to report viewer but I still fail to do what I want. Please make some tutorial with regarding my problem. Thanks in advance sir. God bless
Excellent. I must have watched this series 10 times now. It would be grand if you could use a broader scope of database variables instead of just using strings. Why not a date, or blob example added in. That would have made me drool over your tutorial.
can you post the code
Just in case anyone is using WPF, [DataGridView1.DataSource] will not work.
Use [DataGridView1.ItemSource] instead.
thank you uploader for sharing. your videos are very helpful.
how can we a setup of thıs also plz tell me.. and how to connect a database whıle setupıng
how to store the ımage ın database and dısplay ıt….
plz tell me plz……
thanks you so much for share yours khowledge
I want export worksheet excel to mysql database since visual basic
how can do it ?????
please help me !!!!!!
Good day sir i was trying to do the things you said in this video, once i run the system there is statement said that " Object reference not set to an Instance of an object"
here is the code
Private Sub Load_table()
MySqlConn = New MySqlConnection
MySqlConn.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;userid=root;password=;database=student_attendance"
Dim dbDataset As New DataTable
Dim bSource As New BindingSource
Dim SDA As MySqlDataAdapter
Dim Query As String
Query = "Select * from student_attendance.student"
COMMAND = New MySqlCommand(Query, MySqlConn)
SDA.SelectCommand = COMMAND
bSource.DataSource = dbDataset
DGStudent.DataSource = bSource
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
also the SDA has an error said that " variable SDA is used before it has been assigned a value. a null reference exception could result at runtime.
so i put the Dim SDA as Mysqldataadapter in GLobal the error was gone, but the " Object reference not set to an Instance of an object" is still the problem please help me to solve this case thank you so much!