MySQL VB.NET – DataGridView Edit Column Names VB.NET – Adding bound combobox to datagridview VB.NET – dataGridView, MySQL data and changing …
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MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 15 :Change column title of datagridview when connecting Mysql

MySQL VB.NET – DataGridView Edit Column Names VB.NET – Adding bound combobox to datagridview VB.NET – dataGridView, MySQL data and changing …
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5 responses to “MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 15 :Change column title of datagridview when connecting Mysql”
Thanks Man
Be careful here, depending on how the search routines are set up, the names may also have to be changed there also, because the search is actually looking at the titles in the DataGridView not in the database.
Dear Sir, I have changed the header text of the column in design time through datagridview tasks> edit column after changing the data source to the required sql db. it has helped me change the title but the problem now is that i cant update or delete any record from gridview as it says "Column name is not found" Please note that i have only changed the column header text and the DataPropertyName is same as in actual db table. i wounder why its throwing error. any help regarding this will be highly appreciated. Thanks
You can't use the Search text-box, after you changed the Column Titles
Can you make tutorials with and sql server based database?