How to update/edit data using VisualVB.NET Update the data in a database VB.NET edit data in mysql database Visual VB.NET Update a MySQL database field …
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MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 7 : Edit/Update a data from Database with button

How to update/edit data using VisualVB.NET Update the data in a database VB.NET edit data in mysql database Visual VB.NET Update a MySQL database field …
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17 responses to “MySQL VB.NET Tutorial 7 : Edit/Update a data from Database with button”
Awesome videos, but is there a way to minus a value from the database from a number you have in as text box. Say I have 30 in my database, I enter 6 in a text box and then my database will be 29. I also seem to end up with a negative number. Thanks.
thank you. I love your tutorials
Hello sir .. i believe that in your MYSQL database already have image data BLOB… can i request you to do tutorial for inserting and retrieve image from picturebox into MYSQL database and retrieve the image….Thanks in advance
Thank you so much!
very helpfull thx
Quite helpfull…thnks
works :). very useful thanks
I also did the tutorial 13 (displaying selected row deom datagridview to textbox) but now when updating the data, it updates all the rows.
I only want to update the selected row.
Please help.
I am grateful and I am not trying to be rude but Indians are really good at programming I just wish they would get better and have a little more excitement with their English.
First of all, let me say that the tutorial is excellent Im doing the same example but with database in access and I have a problem when performing upgrades because a message appears saying that not match the data types in the criteria expression at what it this? If I respect all the steps.
I apologize if my question is not understood, because I don´t speak English, I´m using google traslator.
I hope you can answer my question and thank you very much.
I was working on fixing that parentheses syntax error for like 20 minutes. Then I watched the rest of the video and realized you fixed it. Ugh…
How can add the new age to the last age in database?
Line 35: READER = COMMAND.ExecuteReader
error: The method or operation is not implemented.
thanks man
THanks man, this really helped!
Hello, would you please make a video on how to upload a .doc or .txt to a database?
Would really help me a lot.