Node.js: JavaScript on the Server

Google Tech Talk
July 28, 2010


Presented by Ryan Dahl, the creator of the node.JS open source project.

It is well known that event loops rather than threads are required for high-performance servers. Javascript is a language unencumbered of threads and designed specifically to be used with synchronous evented I/O, making it an attractive means of programming server software.

Node.js ties together the V8 Javascript compiler with an event loop, a thread pool for making blocking system calls, and a carefully designed HTTP parser to provide a browser-like interface to creating fast server-side software. This talk will explain Node’s design and how to get started with it.

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37 responses to “Node.js: JavaScript on the Server”

  1. If you are too worried about the "ummhh … ahhh" then go directly to StackOverflow and ask how to get your job done.

    This talk if for the ones interested in how does nodejs works internally and have enough knowledge about IO, networking and other stuff to appreciate how awesome this guys is.


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  3. +Siddharth Shama Node.js doesn't actively depend on it, but it uses it for builds when downloading packages: NPM (node package manager) downloads and rebuilds packages (e.g. packages that aren't pure js and contain a bit of c) and uses something called node-gyp which calls python 2.7.x.

  4. If every important function is supposed to be non-blocking and have a lambda argument, they could just invent a new language where the compiler decides itself when to turn a couple of statements into a lambda or something. the whole thing feels clumsy in JS as it is

  5. Watch the video for it's content, this is not a Toastmasters video, so just skip over any of his "uums", he has something worth sharing, so be grateful that he is sharing his thoughts. Thanks Ryan!

  6. His speech does seem halting in this one, but I think he seems nervous for some reason here. In another video I watched it was much different from this, and easier to follow. The NodeJS project is amazing, still trying to master the concepts.

  7. I think the achilles heel of node.js right now is the lack of multi-core support. Load balancing to multiple node.js processes should be a standard part of the deployment, I guess. At least for now.

  8. Ryan's halting speech was off-putting at first, but I got accustomed to it quickly. In the brief review I have done so far on node.js, this resource ranks tops for me. The concepts are few, clearly stated, and (I think) easy to identify in the examples given.

    I'm surprised that none of the blog entries or other articles I saw before this presentation got me further along or as motivated to do more. I'm excited to dig in now.

  9. It's hard to understand these criticism's of Ryan's presentation skills. I found his presentation not just clear, but remarkably thorough. Not only does he lay out the impetus and defining elements of the node.js architecture, he also contextualizes it with a healthy dose of general background covering server architectures and network communications. Sure, his style of speaking might be a bit jerky, but if smoothness is your litmus test for a "good" presentation, it's really your loss.

  10. Awesome presentation about an awesome piece of excrement.
    Ryan is real php-redneck, true to himself who cares about the the shit in his server, not the medium.
    He brings some knowledge of Javascript at his php blog.
    His presentation can be summarized as 'I dont know about cc++ and Java, I want to poke my dummy Javascript to server'
    about lowest efficiency a server-side scripting language.
    Keep it down Ryan.

  11. Let's be clear – this is an awesome technology and Ryan deserves highest credit for developing it.

    The other aspect is the presentation itself – it is quite hard to follow, maybe just not polished enough yet, maybe he needs more practice speaking in public speaking – not as fluid and engaging as it could be.

    I don't think that being a technical person is a legitimate excuse for the lack of presentation skills, there are heaps of technical specialists with exceptional public speaking skills.

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