Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #11 – Prototype Inheritance

Hey, in this object oriented JavaScript tutorial I’ll teach you about prototype inheritance.

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– VS Code editor – https://code.visualstudio.com/
– GitHub repository (course files) – https://github.com/iamshaunjp/object-oriented-js
– JavaScript for Beginners – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoSksQ4s_hg&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9i9Ae2D9Ee1RvylH38dKuET

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πŸ‘Ύ Video thumbnail artwork by PixelSwish @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGKSD3mitWl5UpMxZzaIrRA

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31 responses to “Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #11 – Prototype Inheritance”

  1. Definitely enjoyed this series and would like to work through some practical examples. It always helps knowing how to code stuff for more useful applications. Good stuff!

  2. Why can't we just assign the prototype object to the Admin class in the following way:
    Admin.prototype = User.prototype? Would that pass a reference and we want to have a copy?

    Speaking of which, coming from a C++ background I would really love to see how Javascript handels pointers and references.

    Last but not least, I really enjoy your content and watched several series. Please keep doing what you do, your series are among the best you can find on YouTube. Thank you!

  3. I have a question: If I declare the deleteUser function before the prototype assignment(Admin.prototype = Object.create(User.prototype)) the deleteUser function is not present in Admin prototype. Can anyone please help with this problem?

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