Official Trailer: The Architecture Academy

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35 responses to “Official Trailer: The Architecture Academy”

  1. great CGI ! As a criticism, I would suggest using a style of music you actually listen to. I`m going out on a limb and thinking Pachelbel's Canon is not on your, well any of your play lists. IMO it lowered the production quality a little as it wasn't completely honest with the artist. Although adding the environmental sounds when the camera went out side was a good touch ! Keep up the good work !

  2. Simply put; fantastic! Watched this so many times for inspiration πŸ™‚ Gotta ask though, wouldn't the top pillar @1:54 look better if the texture went lenghtwise? Nitpicking, I know, but still

  3. I just noticed your speculars all look like they're not broken up by a specular map. BUT i'm so freaking tired of seeing specular maps that it actually makes it look UNIQUE AND BETTER. how strange haha.

  4. This is really beautiful, the only thing that i can tell that it is not real that the wood is in to perfect shape. The wood does not feel alive, there are no tears. The grass when not zoomed in is just sick, i really wanna lay there in the sun (*spelling not native)

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