Blender tutorial – Applying a Texture to a Model Using Smart Project – Part 3 Using Smart UV Project
The third part of this tutorial looks at using ‘Smart UV Project’ to project a cube, a cylinder an irregular shape (cactus). source
Blender 2.65 – Tutorial on how to Composit Volumetrics (Mist) into Cycles
This short tutorials shows how to use Blender Internal to generate volumetric effects like mist and composit them into your cycles render. Sorry for the poor … source
Favorite Halloween games, the smallest C64 emulator, and more open gaming news
[ad_1] Hello, open gaming fans! In this week’s edition, we take a look at a few Halloween favorites, the smallest C64 emulator ever made, 12 new games out for Linux, and more. Open gaming roundup for October 24 – 30, 2015 Memwa2: smallest C64 emulator Called Memwa2, Staringlizard introduced a new project on Kickstarter, for what…
Blender 3D Моделирование ВАЗ 2106 (Урок – 01)
http://cryblend.ru/home/Post/757. source
EU funds supercomputer, Google aids refugees, and more news
[ad_1] In this week’s edition of the open source news roundup, we take a look at the European Commission funding a supercomputer, Google aiding refugees, Carnegie Mellon University printing arteries and hearts, and more. Open source news roundup for October 24 – 30, 2015 European Commission funds supercomputer to run a billion billion (10^18) operations…
Blender Absolute Beginner Tutorial: Episode 2
Introduction to the 3D View window, creating a simple mesh point-by-point. This one came out a bit longer than I anticipated. Playlist: … source
Blender – vnitřní scéna ( indoor scene) – cycles render engine – CZ tutorial – část 1
První část ze série tutoriálu jak vymodelovat, otexturovat a vyrenderovat vnitřní scénu v cycles render engine. FB: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritOfTheWall … source
BLENDER 3D Modeling Program Tutorial Part 111 / Blenderella 24 / Fingers
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) DVD Training. Blenderella, Character Modeling in Blender 2.5 by Angela … source
Warrior Leveling Guide Secrets You Must Know
[ad_1] When it comes to Warrior leveling guide secrets there are some fundamentals you must know before venturing into leveling your warrior class. We will investigate in this article all the little tricks you need to know to master your character and get to 80 Fast Killing quickly and effectively using extremely fast attacks, and…
Blender Modeling Tutorial – World Cup 2010 Jabulani Soccer Ball
Follow this simple tutorial to model the World Cup 2010 Jabulani Soccer Ball Sorry for the low volume guys! source