Simple Car Modeling Tutorial In Blender 2.70
Alimayo Arango of arangodigitalproduction.com teaches how to model a simple car model and apply some simple materials in blenders Cycles renderer using … source
Blender tutorial: Make Object Emit Light (Cycles Render)
This is a quick video showing how to make objects emit light using Cycles Render. source
3D Animation Movie Maker – The Evolution of Making Animations at Home
[ad_1] I guess a lot of people would like to make their own movies. By that I mean to go beyond editing together movie clips taken while on holiday, to making movies which tell a story. In most cases professional actors are expensive and most friends don’t make good actors. This is why making a…
Create Reflective 3D Text in Blender (Beginner)
Join DesignCourse Premium for 1-on-1 Design Training with Me:** … source
Blender for Beginners: 3D Modeling a Basic gun tutorial series part 1 by Zoonyboyz
Blender for Beginners: 3D Modeling a Basic gun tutorial series part 1 by Zoonyboyz Link to part 2 http://youtu.be/OeEu-b4VIMM This Video was created by … source
Blender Tutorial: Setting Up Cycles Render For Low Poly Art
Really quick and simple tutorial illustrating how I’ve set up my scene for low poly art. This is by no means the only or best way, it is just my way. xD If you think of … source
Tutorial Blender 3D para principiantes: modelar taza en 3D | #CursoBlenderGP #1 [En español]
IMPORTANTE!!: A los que no os funcionan los atajos de teclado, puede ser por la versión que utilizáis. Tratad de actualizarlo a la 2.6. En cualquier caso aquí os … source
How to Make 3D Video Game Models
[ad_1] A 3d Model is a three-dimensional object you put into a video game. The most common model is that of the player in the game. But it can also be almost anything else you can imagine. Here is an overview of how you make 3D models for video games. When you make a video…
Blender Tutorial : Chair Modeling
Tutorial from http://www.cgmasters.net/free-tutorials/blender-tutorial-chair-modeling Guilherme Henrique brings us some architectural visualization prop … source
Cycles Tutorial: Interior Rendering
Blender tutorial http://www.blenderguru.com/videos/rendering-an-interior-scene-with-cycles Discover how to light and texture an interior scene for rendering with … source