Photoshop Tutorial From Boring to Amazing in 10 Minutes!!

Get the Carroussel and Sunset here:

In, in this tutorial, I will show you one of my favorite photo from Paris. First the different composition and why I choose that one. we are going to retouch it in Lightroom very briefly and take it into Photoshop CC 2019.

We are then going to use the crop tool and the new content aware tool to extend our sky. Then I will use the Color Range Select to select the sky and make a mask to change it with a more dramatic blue hour.

Then we use the curve tool to make a match in terms of Exposure and to add some warmth.

Playing with opacity and the mask to make it blend well. last but not least We are going to redevelop the photo Camera Raw to guide the eye even better where to look. Use the brushes and the gradient filter.

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30 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial From Boring to Amazing in 10 Minutes!!”

  1. Merci beaucoup, for all of your videos. I learn so much from you over the year. I would like to see a tutorial how to creat own libraries like your edit-in sky or libraries for stamps or brushes.
    Cordialement, de l'Allemagne

  2. Bonjour Serge j'ai un problème a 7min 30 quand je fais ALT + clic pour récupérer un sample, je clic une fois et quand je vais a l'autre bout de l'image je reclique mais ça ne fait pas pareil, au lieu d'avoir la bande entière remplacée je n'ai que le début et la fin. Il y'a une commande spéciale non mentionnée ? Merci !

  3. Been following since 2011 and still got no laptop to post process the images and got 1000 already. Its in the process so love to watch your videos. When it finally comes, Be Careful Serge! Lol..

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