PHP Ajax CRUD Application Tutorial – MySQL & Bootstrap & jQuery DataTables [Part 1]

PHP Ajax CRUD Application Finally Made Easy! Download Source Code: In this tutorial you will learn …

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45 responses to “PHP Ajax CRUD Application Tutorial – MySQL & Bootstrap & jQuery DataTables [Part 1]”

  1. Thank you for your effort but I think there is a big issue that you have to refresh the screen after adding a new country to be shown in the datatable on screen. If you can modify your code to avoid this issue will be great.

  2. i watch all 3 parts.when i run it i add country it show me a alert box saying "Country Has Been Inserted!" i click ok on alert box. after that i click outside model to remove model because there is no close button in model. and then i try to search my newly added country.but i didnt get it.after that i refresh the page then it shows my country.we are using ajax.without refresh it should show newly added country. like in case of edit.value get change in a second and no need to reload page.please help me with this.i want to add data and want to show the newly added data just after add without refreshing.mail me answer "" thanks a lot


    if ($_POST['key'] == 'getExistingData') {
    $start = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['start']);
    $limit = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['limit']);

    $sql = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM turnover LIMIT $start, $limit");
    if ($sql->num_rows > 1) {
    $response = "";
    while($row = $sql->fetch_array()) {
    $response .= '
    <input type="button" value="Edit" class="btn btn-primary">
    <input type="button" value="View" class="btn">
    <input type="button" value="Delete" class="btn btn-danger">
    } exit($response);


    Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:xampphtdocsprojajax.php on line 16

    Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:xampphtdocsprojajax.php on line 17

    Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:xampphtdocsprojajax.php on line 18

    Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:xampphtdocsprojajax.php on line 19

    Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:xampphtdocsprojajax.php on line 20

    Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:xampphtdocsprojajax.php on line 21

    Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:xampphtdocsprojajax.php on line 22

  4. Senaid, What PATH or folder would I put your ajax.php and index.html under? It seems not to ADD data to mySQL. I get no error, in fact I get no messages. Nothing happens when I click SAVE. It seems the URL: 'ajax.php', parameters are not executing?

  5. Hello, Senaid im always watching your tutorial and I saw everytime you will create new database, you always add utf-8 unicode c3 I just want to know, what is the purpose of that..

    Thank you, I will Learned a lot from you,
    Your a Great Teacher, Keep it up

  6. Thank you for your excelent tutorials and for your will to help other people!!
    Would you please check what is happening with the downloading of the source code. I follow the instructions and no email is received to proceed witih the download. Thank you and best regards.

  7. Amazing Series Videos i have A problem if i want to update input type="file" is not acceptable and the console input error like this :

    Uncaught DOMException: Failed to set the 'value' property on 'HTMLInputElement': This input element accepts a filename, which may only be programmatically set to the empty string.
    at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous>

    i want to update file please help me what i can do if i want to update uploaded file .

  8. Hi senaid, im not getting how to insert data from input form though I hv written code in different way, its not inserting into my phpmyadmin db (own server space)
    Please help to solve this.
    Thanks in advance!

  9. Friend, thanks for these videos that are very good, a query please, I am new to this programming class and everything goes well however between the boxes that my form has I have a select that is related to another table that is in my base data and I do not know how to recover or show the data of that select.
    I explain myself better I have two tables:
    User with the fields: id, nombre, apellido, país_id(foreign key)
    Pais with the fields: id, nombre
    The problem is that I do not know how to display the name of the country that has a user in the user's edit window.
    Thanks for the help

  10. Oh my dear friend, what I've got is the whole php codes within the ajax.php displayed on the alert(responds), it seems like the ajax here is just load the whole ajax.php code into the index.html, but the codes within the ajax.php are not excecuted, what should I do? Thank you~!

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