Get the Code Here : PHP Tutorial : MySQL Tutorial …
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Get the Code Here : PHP Tutorial : MySQL Tutorial …
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44 responses to “PHP MySQL Tutorial”
Awesome videos !!!! Keep them coming !
is this in wamp or xampp server?
Derek, thank you for your excellent tutorials.
I need an online database – in other words, a
database that 'lives' on my website server (instead of my local computer) so that other
people can log in to view, submit, or remove data. Is there a
way to accomplish this?
Have you ever considered talking slower? not by much, a pause here and there, just enough so that it doesn't feel like you are trying to make time but to get the point across.
Thank you so much!! Derek your videos are so helpful, you made the boring books contents into some interactive videos which makes me learn languages in no time.
Stay blessed and keep up the good work…
You are awesome, Derek Banas.
very helpful ,thx man!
Thank You! Derek! real life saver!
When I try to open the "getstudentinfo.php" file through localhost, I keep getting the 404 error.. PLEASE HELP! D:
Great Job! Thanks.
Been on youtube for years, and never felt the need to comment anything..
Just to say how much i'm thankful to you and your work.
I love the way you make every coding language basics seem so simple.
Great job and thank you again !
Man… thanks… for real haha, can't bealive how fast I've learn PHP and Mysql haha, great tutorials for ppl looking to migrate to another lenguaje. keep it up!
Hi Derek, any idea how to link database info to 3rd party websites that are not controlled by you? Such that the various fields (e.g. name, age, sex, etc) are automatically filled in at the click of a button (or two). Something like what Fillr does.
How would I add some code to check if a record already exists in the table before entering it? I'm adding usernames and don't want duplicates, I've added it as a 'unique' which prevents new duplicate entries from being created. But I get an error message and just want something cleaner.
I love your style and the fluency is topnotch.
Hey Derek…Thanks a lot for a great overview.
Nice man! Thanks a lot!
Awesome Tutorial. Giving you credit for a school project!
Awesome thank you
nice tutorial, but can you please create another one for an updated version? thanks!
I== !understand.
Does anyone know how to adjust the getstudentinfo.php to only show the last information in the array?
I love the videos for quick emerson into a topic that I'm looking to get into. They're also short enough to get a quick refresher on something.
what is that text editor you are using?
interesting video thank you.
I am newbie in php and this tutorial is very good :).. however I tried to used your code in the link you have provided in comment but I have experienced an error which is the reason why I can't run the code correctly, can tell me why is this not working.
I am using xampp, I created directory for this files and the error that I've encountered are this:
Couldn't issue database query
Table 'test3.students' doesn't exist
2:28 – 15:17 (пропустил кусок). No SQL
I get "HTTP ERROR 500"
You are the best!
Love from INDIA
How do you prevent from sql injection?
EXCELLENT tutorial!!!
Derek, You deserve 1,000,000 subs dude!!!!!
Derek, what is the difference between mysql vs mysqli
super tutorial thank you so much Derek!!
este video es una mierda
I get 'mysqli_stmt' errors ;(
After clicking on Send, i got these warnings
Notice: Undefined variable: dbc in D:XAMMPhtdocsexamplestudentadded.php on line 98
Warning: mysqli_prepare() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in D:XAMMPhtdocsexamplestudentadded.php on line 98
Warning: mysqli_stmt_bind_param() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_stmt, null given in D:XAMMPhtdocsexamplestudentadded.php on line 100
Warning: mysqli_stmt_execute() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_stmt, null given in D:XAMMPhtdocsexamplestudentadded.php on line 102
Warning: mysqli_stmt_affected_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_stmt, null given in D:XAMMPhtdocsexamplestudentadded.php on line 104
Error Occureed
Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in D:XAMMPhtdocsexamplestudentadded.php on line 116
great tutorials
When try to add new student, i fill up the caps i need to, then press send button, and it clears all data i had entered. Then i go to getstudentinfo page, and there is no added student i just tried to add.
Also in file added student, mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ssssssisssd", $f_name, $l_name … ) it only allowe me to give 3 arguments. Can any1 help?
can you make a tutorial on mysql security and the best ways to prevent mysql code injections?
If you really wanna be sure of security then use prepared statements, but this works also.
Maybe I missed something but what exactly is the PHP command to establishes the connection between PHP and MySQL? In Minute 4:30 you define variable 'dbc ' and you use the 'mysqli_connect' function. Is that a native PHP function that establishes connections to any DB? What if my DB is not MySQL but something else, will this still work? Thank you!