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PHP & MySQL Tutorial – 40: Passing Values Through Query String

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7 responses to “PHP & MySQL Tutorial – 40: Passing Values Through Query String”
Can you do that echo $_GET['name']; and we gonnna directly gonna have a result. Is it right?
bad tutorials are actually good..
code is not working bro
why should we use " <?php echo $str; ?>" in the anchor tag of source.php ??
please do reply me… as soon as u can
it says undefined variable str in source.php and the output is pretty haphazard.
Hallo, could you show how it would work with Id's from mysql?
Help plz, I couldn't get a result, i tried many times and each time i get this msg,
Notice: Undefined index: name in C:wampwwwdestination.php on line 12