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PHP Programming

Get the Cheat Sheet Here : Learn HTML in 15 Minutes : Best PHP book : Support Me on Patreon :…
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25 responses to “PHP Programming”
Your tutorials are superb. I have learned a lot from them. I just request for a tutorial on developing e-commerce website using php
Hey, Nice tutorial. Something I really get connected. We at Laitkor provides all kinds of development services along with PHP. Check –
Facebook email ID cannot be obtained! Either you have disallowed the 'Email' permission or you haven't verified your email on your Facebook account yet. this problem is appear when i login in my facebook web app. pls help.
Php is awesome. I normally hide things with JavaScript from web browser page php hide everything entirely from both web browser page and from inspection. Wow. Beautiful stuff.
Great video.
Beautiful and Thank you ^_^

better than bucky.
Nice Video,
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Foreach view this video gets the subscribers keep bidding with subscription to this channel. Views will always be higher than subscribers. Not the other way.
Programming. One of the last skills not requiring accreditation for self reliance, a form of nature and nurture. The doors are open.
Yep. If you completely skip all the philosophy behind programming and just get down to brass tacks, you can learn a lot in a short amount of time. I would caution new programmers, though, to supplement videos like this with some additional study. Call me old-fashioned but I think it’s important to understand languages in depth and appreciate the underlying rules, philosophies and mechanics of it. This allows you to be fluent in whatever language you are learning and do new things with it without just having to remember specific function names and keywords. It’s like learning a language phonetically versus actually studying and deeply learning that language. Still, it’s pretty impressive how this guy just blasts through what would normally be an entire semester of study and have it actually be useful instruction.
while($watchingDereksTutorials == true){
// Yes, they are that good!
This video is a go-to PHP learning resource for those who had done their basic algorithms right
, unlike most textbooks that are slow and tedious. Thank you, Derek
does anyone know why do i get the last bit of my code to show up on my browser.
For example:
I have in my body tag;
echo "<p>Data Processed</p>";
The ";?> shows up on my edge why?
PHP Development Services endorsed to add components to your site that HTML is unable to attain. It is best featured and least expensive on par with various other scripting languages from web business.
Please create WordPress and Magento 2 Tutorials Also. I like your tutorials very much.
Holly cow! You did outsanding job, thanks very much for your effort and commitment!
Great tutorial, you didn't explain any of how this actually works though. You have to start a server up that reads PHP!
Sir you have not discussed here about Wrapper class, Exception , catch keyword
I am brazilian, I learn way better in English by you instead by my University professor speaking Portuguese (my mother tongue). I appreciated. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
greatest video I have ever seen. your explanation is awesome.
Still very good for learning … Great job … Thanks for the information
Thank you! I needed this to refresh my PHP knowledge for the Web Advanced course on college.
The best Tutorial
when im trying to merge php into html and I use the post method it recognizes only the html and it doesnt send the data. im using xampp and i have the apache running…