PHP Programming Part 1: Introduction to PHP Programming

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44 responses to “PHP Programming Part 1: Introduction to PHP Programming”

  1. Eli
    Great stuff…I agree with your teaching philosophy…have taught myself and adopted a very similar approach to teaching.One question,how'd you execute your uploadedPHP script ?

  2. You are the MAN!
    I really enjoy your concise and well presented videos…they are a cut above other programming instructional videos
    Thanks so much for your efforts!(I'll contribute to your cause when I get a job with PHP)

  3. Thank you for this very good tutorial.
    You can download Xampp and use it as a server instead of paying for host. This is especially valuable for people who are following this tutorial from a region where is hard to pay for a web hosting service.

  4. Hi Good morning sir
    Please I have a class project to develop a computer based test system where students will login with their registration number and write their exam 

    It should be like a website then I will upload the questions and give options of A, B, C, And D and let them chose one 

    Please I don't know where to start from I am hoping you create a video of it or give me the steps to take or source code

    Thank in advance

  5. video is great and easy to understand but i have checked online and there is no web server available for $10 month . cheapest godaddy web server i can find is $138.00 per month. No way I can afford that. Am I looking at wrong thing.

  6. Thank goodness they have this course I can go through at my own pace!

    BTW- Scripting programming languages are better to use. Latest version of PHP for 2017 is PHP 7.1.1 to date. PHP 5 is outdated was for 2012.

  7. I am pursiung right now masters Information Technology . Having background as an Eletrical & Electronics engineering. So i wanna start to get with it and to be confident about my IT skills . I strongly belive that your guideline will gonna make it sure that will be strongy good at programing soon.

  8. Hi sir..thanku so much for sharing such valuable knowledge wid us.i am trying to enrol my self from busines program to information technology. This classes are helping me to have some ideas about programing. I have done c-programing language in bachelor level.that helped me to understand da language dat u were using in ur clas.your way of teching is simple. Thanku so much

  9. Great video!!
    quick question,
    I have my web host account running and my notepad++ on my laptop installed aswell. I managed to linked it to my web acc. but I try to upload my first script but it does not work! any ideas ??

  10. Hey I don't know if you're going to reply but is there any chance you could help or show how you set up your notepad++, I don't have the interfaces same as yours.


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